Jim DelGreco

Yo Mikey. Obama did a better job than you of dividing the country with racism. Wait, Obama was President. Holy crap, that fact just negates every single thing you’re b1tching about.

Do what you want but don’t force me into your cult.

woooooowww... so edgy and cooooool! Orange man BAD! Orange man STUPID!

f*cking assata shakur

just gonna drop some reality up in here - numbers are probably even more extreme since this is the age of you Trump-hating commies, and NOBODY wants to date that.

theRacists is an awful site with terrible, elitist, holier-than-thou, “ain’t gonna hear what you got to say na na na na” chump writers, all replete with TDS.

Why not work WITH half of the country you leftist “tree-huggers” hate? Instead of nuking their plans and ideas from day 1, how about you come to the table with a counter-offer?

Should I reschedule my dentist appointment or do i still got time for that.

What’s your obsession with “crying”, mamacita?

Has nobody seen The Last Ship?

Are you in 3rd grade?

conservatives aren’t crying; we’re laughing our asses off at you commie pinko idiots

ok nerd

Photoshopped. And so what? You commies keep making it about the man, just like Hillary.

Like your savior Pope Bloomberg says, “If it takes more than three bullets to kill a deer, maybe that deer is supposed to live.”

3 degrees over 50 years.

Such tolerance from the “tolerant” left.

Get that chip off your shoulder and stop hating white people, you f*cking racist.

Al Gore said Miami was going to disappear back in 2006, and now you have Pope Greta shaming you into some sort of “climate action”, which is just another way for rich elites like you to fleece money from poor people.