Jim DelGreco

Her skirt was also too short.

3% are responsible for 50% of murders... can you guess the 3%?

So you have one questionable story about a man trespassing and being killed.

Climate change is the rich leftist’s new religion. Until you stop haranguing (and allowing rich theater snob teens to as well) Americans for their “sins”, nobody this side of Buttigieg will take you seriously.

Millennials: reeeee stop! i’m so offended rn!

You don’t know “how to English”, but for the record, I’m not “mathing”, I’m “facting”.

Hhhhhhhave you met the Clintons?

Never stop writing absurd articles about “Why Freedom Sucks”, or we’ll have to address your absolute committal to abortion-on-demand.

Speaking of your racist opinion vs actual facts: why aren’t more people, black people specifically, outraged that nearly 50% of all murders are committed by 3% of the country, YBMs?

So far you haven’t spoiled Gizmodo, but damn, you commies sure are trying hard.

Gosh, so weird how a Trump rally doesn’t appeal or make sense to leftist commie pinko coastal elitest Pope Greta-worshiping happy holidays douchebags with TDS like whoever is reading this and Tom McKay.

Your TDS is embarrassing to your mother. Clean yourself up and get a job, commie.

Ain’t no way Pelosi can bring the Democrats back from the progressive, commie ledge. Y’all are f*cked for a long time to come.

Been impeaching since minute 17 and all you have to show for it is two stupid, non-crime articles of impeaching-because-we-hate-him.

you’re celebrating the biggest f*ck-up by the Democrats in history since they had people like Hillary’s mentor, Robert Byrd, KKK Wizard.

What do they call that when you start an argument based on false information yeah straw man.

So, what’s your racist take on “black people blackpeopling” this last week?

2020 will be the year most of us normal people stop listening to what global elitists (and their children) are barking about.

You TDS commie elitists are jokes without punchlines.

Go away, commies.