Jim DelGreco

So you have one questionable story about a man trespassing and being killed.

You don’t know “how to English”, but for the record, I’m not “mathing”, I’m “facting”.

Hhhhhhhave you met the Clintons?

Speaking of your racist opinion vs actual facts: why aren’t more people, black people specifically, outraged that nearly 50% of all murders are committed by 3% of the country, YBMs?

Your TDS is embarrassing to your mother. Clean yourself up and get a job, commie.

Ain’t no way Pelosi can bring the Democrats back from the progressive, commie ledge. Y’all are f*cked for a long time to come.

Been impeaching since minute 17 and all you have to show for it is two stupid, non-crime articles of impeaching-because-we-hate-him.

you’re celebrating the biggest f*ck-up by the Democrats in history since they had people like Hillary’s mentor, Robert Byrd, KKK Wizard.

So, what’s your racist take on “black people blackpeopling” this last week?

You TDS commie elitists are jokes without punchlines.

Nothing is ever good enough for you commies.

Tell us again why BIDEN gets a pass.

Only commies cackle with glee over cancel culture. The rest of us normal people find it utterly vile and reprehensible.

Wow, leftist elite bubble much? You can’t cancel America.

I don’t understand why Ubisoft hates women. I mean, we don’t need Code Vein vixens but have you seen the avatars in Division 2? Holy hell those are some fuggos.

Call it “meek” all you want, but as a young man I’ll gladly take the back spots and walk - leaving the front spots for people with kids or shuffling boomers.

Imagine outside of California.

Burn coal -> electricity -> electrolysis -> split water to make hydrogen

Just stick a gold star on your forehead and proclaim “I VANPOOL YOU EARTH-RAPER” whenever anyone asks you what the deal is with the gold star on your forehead.

Or, go plant some trees, kowtow three times to Grand Pope Greta and go about your day.