Jim DelGreco

Leftist commie pinko “diversity of skin color above all else and we’ll force that sh1t wherever we please” “she’s not alonehollywood can’t get it right but somehow it’s all the white man’s fault.

Must be nice to worry about some hazy and contested “existential” threat.

Trump donating his salary should cover it.

But hey, try to convince us that red-flag laws are a good idea.

These are the people vitamins are for. Not you, unless you’re pregnant, which you’re not because this is Jezebel and you leftists hate babies/motherhood/men.

Are you sure they didn’t say “...if she KEPT holding her girlfriend’s hand in public...”?

Thanks for helping further divide the country by dictating who can and cannot laugh at which comedy.

Haha racism against white people is funny haha.

Better to have them out in the open where they can be monitored and countered with effective dialogue than in the shadows with no accountability.

Let us know when you stop being misogynist racist f*cks, theRoobs.

With the doctoring of the data (the so-called “hockey-stick” graph), the leftist chicken-littles (rich democrat elites) have nothing to show to those who will not so willingly enter the cult of Klymut Chanj.

Zero mention of the left’s bane: Defensive Gun Uses

1) You don’t know their relationship.

Used to be both Democrats and Republicans were pro-Israel and pro-Jew.

Come back when the entire Democrat party endorses BDS.

Why would you think MORE background checks would help solve mass shootings? They don’t follow up on the ones that fail right now. MORE just means that I can’t sell a gun to my cousin - we both have to drive to an FFL and we both need to pay $35 to tell us what we already know - it’s our right to keep and bear arms.

No such thing as “hate speech”. It’s just “speech”.

I think allowing immigrants in to work goats is the only way to save Portugal - obviously they need more immigration because they simply don’t have enough natural-born workers. Instead of promoting child-rearing for citizens, let’s advocate for diversity and immigration.

So gain some useful skills and get hired by a video-game developer.
