I had a great time at the NYC 4food event!
I had a great time at the NYC 4food event!
This would be fantastic.
@Squalor: I agree 100%.
@analogfilter: Nope. That's supposedly coming with 4.1.
OMG, i got my misters digree in spelling frum here. They teach me good fa realz!!
@Channan: There is $100 difference in your statement....and a missing 16GB iPod Touch in Apple's line-up. You do the math.
@Channan: Apple needs to offer FaceTime on the iTouch at a lower price point than $299 to keep it interesting/valuable. I think there is definite wiggle room at $199: the reintroduction of the 16GB capacity (did they ever explain why this wasn't offered last year??).
@FuturePastNow: Not necessarily. Apple is really pushing FaceTime.
@Dominic Corona: With Verizon, they will have access to 90m MORE customers than before. Yes, they need Verizon to grow. Imagine Apple selling 1.2m phones in one day, or 5m over launch weekend. THAT is what Verizon could do for them.
This also puts Apple at a disadvantage when it comes to negotiating any terms with Verizon.
And they plan on doing this with only $1.5b? That's what it cost to build the new Yankees Stadium.
@Dougiefresh91: lol, who needs a first name when your last is "Papermaster".
@superhappyfuntime: Reading comprehension must not be one of your strengths.
@superhappyfuntime: "In fact, two years ago Papermaster joined Appleāin November 2008, when he joined from IBM to head up the iPod and iPhone engineering team as their Senior Vice President of Devices Hardware Engineering."
@Sumada: I think Verizon is totally going to target the girlies with their iPhone...they need a chick phone, since Droid's have been intentionally masculinized. Plus they've already labeled the iPhone as a girl's phone in their advertising.
@Sumada: Uh, right, and because they launched the new Droids in July, less than a year from the original campaign, I am sure December will bring the iPhone announcement we've all been waiting for...I doubt they will announce more Droids.
I think the fact VZW started their Droid campaign in July is an indisputable fact that they have something much, much bigger planned for the holiday season.
Why on earth would you tell people your sinister plan to ruin your boss's life???
@A Ferret: hahaha.