a sexy hot dog

@tfskora: lol, if you meet up with your friends in person, you can see them in super HD.

@Clancycoop: Wait, the 6 train goes to Alaska?!

Wait, there are Starbucks in Alaska?!

@rabbot: That email would be for the sister site, jizzmodo.

I love all of the gossipy gadget articles Gizmodo has published recently.

There is no server issue. Stay tuned.

@Brookespeed: Why didn't you just get the Kindle DX?

I think you're holding the server wrong.

I totally wouldn't swap out an iPhone with the reversed volume'll be a collectors item one day.

Sorry, RIM, but unless you plan on completely revolutionizing your OS, then there is no way you can compete against Apple, Android, and even HPalm.

Could it be possible that the back glass is not as strong as the front? Are there any photos of the front glass getting shattered while the back remains intact?

@duky: I'm right there with you - I hate cases, but the bumper doesn't look too bad. I really don't want this thing to shatter.

@duky: You beat me to it. Was he tying his shoe or something?

It seems like the next "hot" Android phone comes out every week. Last week, it was all about the Evo, before that, the Incredible...Now the Droid X?

It seems like the next "hot" Android phone comes out every week. Last week, it was all about the Evo, before that, the Incredible...Now the Droid X?

@jacobestes: LOL! Yes, keep the iPhone away from a sack full of diamonds.

I really find this shocking - I've owned every generation of iPhone and I have never gotten a scratch. I don't use screen protectors. I wonder what he rubbed against that iPhone to get scratches?