
There was a clip from Silent Hill 1, I think - one of the cinematics, Lisa with her head in her hands.

It's fine to not be attracted to fat people, but don't try to use half-witted evolutionary psychology as a justification.

I think it's fair enough to maintain a person's innocence until demonstrated otherwise, even in cases of sexual assault. The point here is that, as is so often the case, the police are putting roadblocks in the way of bringing charges against the accused, thereby making it impossible for anyone to prove guilt or

I think it's fair enough to maintain a person's innocence until demonstrated otherwise, even in cases of sexual assault. The point here is that, as is so often the case, the police are putting roadblocks in the way of bringing charges against the accused, thereby making it impossible for anyone to prove guilt or

How can anyone determine his guilt or innocence if they won't even let the case go to trial?

How can anyone determine his guilt or innocence if they won't even let the case go to trial?

How can we determine his guilt or innocence if they won't even let the case go to trial?

I don't often say this, but can we please stop giving this dumb cunt the attention she so desperately craves?

I got semi-hit-on by Ian "Turps" Turpie. (Australians will know who I mean and be suitably impressed).

I used to work in a bookshop that was pretty involved with writer's events, so I met a lot of authors. I did my best to get with Julian Barnes, but he wasn't biting. I think Neal Stephenson was into me, but he looks like a cartoon supervillain so I wasn't up for it. Also, Ruth Rendell is really really nice.

Wait, "she"?

I'm pretty sure that's not true. Louis CK and Silverman are old friends. She talks about him quite a lot in her autobiography, including one great anecdote about pissing on the street in front of him.

That was confirmed not to have been Louis CK. I dunno who it was, someone I've never heard of before or since.

Seriously? I'm pretty sure I could never turn down Jerry Springer if only for the anecdotes.

I feel the same way, and I also love your username. Tove Jansson 4eva.