
Council-sanctioned gang rapes happen "every day" in the US and Europe?

Is anybody who thinks that a reboot of Murder She Wrote would be a bad idea racist, or just Angela Lansbury?

Totally true. It's mainly women, in fact. Most men don't seem to notice her at all; it's like she leaves this indelible blank space on their minds. Even after playing Catwoman. Crazy.


Not to everyone. Mine's stayed about the same from my 20s to my late 30s. I've been getting dire warnings from older female relatives about the late-40s crash though.

Fair enough :) Sorry for accusing you. It happens quite often so I jumped to conclusions.

Since Turboweevel courageously dismissed my response, here it is:

Dismissing my response, hey? How brave.


Where do you get this stuff from? Health food shop?

I'm not expecting anyone to take the high road. I do expect them, however, to fucking lay off using "poor" as an insult. It makes you just as bad as someone using "fat" as an insult. I really don't see what is so hard to grasp about this. Insult away, but don't be exactly the same kind of bigoted asshole as the person

Please point out where I said what the cab driver did was "ok". On the contrary, I pretty clearly said he was an asshole, and that what he did was bad. I'm not holding the original poster to a higher standard, I'm holding them to exactly the same standard.

Oh, I forgot that two wrongs suddenly make a right. How silly of me.

If you're boasting about how much more money you make than he does, you are every bit as bad as him. There is no excuse for that kind of bullshit. Not being rich is not something to be ashamed of.

She's so great. Loved her in The World's End.

I bet you will have a thigh gap if you stick your arse out and bend forward at the waist like all of the women in the thigh gap photos are doing.

And I've explained to you how this is consistent with the cis-trans issue. (Although I don't see what it has to do with feminism.)

Sorry to break it to you, but James Bond has moved beyond that which Ian Fleming defined him as originally. He's a product of all the different screenwriters and directors who have been given input during the franchise's decades-long history. He's more like a Marvel/DC superhero than an ordinary character from a novel.

No, you seem to have my point backwards. Trans characters are usually played by cis actors, very rarely by trans actors. Cis characters are never played by trans actors, always by cis actors. So that leaves a very very small market open to trans actors, which you are now proposing we erode further by coming up with

1. How can you tell the sexual orientation of the commenters here supporting the casting of Idris Elba?