
You know DMAA is still legal, right? They can’t put it in diet supplements anymore but it’s not exactly hard to find online. That's about as close to legal over the counter adderral as you can get. I'm not recommending it, mind you. That shit is dangerous in doses larger than 50 mg so you'd better have a really

Naturalistic fallacy!


Depends on the bug. Crickets are sort of nutty and go well with chocolate. Roasted silk worm pupae taste like a cross between crab and nuts. The ants I had tasted like citrus, but I heard other species can have very different flavors. I had grasshopper tacos at Oyamel in Penn quarter in DC and they mostly just tasted

Except cats do it on purpose. Children are just stupid.

A "cleanse" is just a socially acceptable eating disorder.

A "cleanse" is just a socially acceptable eating disorder.

oh my god. I'm getting a degree in food science and she drives me INSANE. She objects to the stupidest shit. I'm not her if she's dumb as a sack of bricks or just a horrible person.

I have HEDS as well, though mine isn't exactly invisible. Mine came along with the marfanoid body type (that got me initially misdiagnosed with Marfan syndrome) and an incredibly visible network of blue veins all over my body.

I'm pretty sure you should check the law again. You have to return the ring in some states if the engagement is broken off, but once you get married, the ring is yours for good. Worth looking into. Sell it and take a nice trip.

Huh, I knew Turks were pretty hairy, but I thought crotch shaving was mostly an American/ western thing.

Nope, Aris from Rockville, Md. My god. There's more of them.

I should also say that all of his friends sided with me and now will have nothing to do with him. Including people who knew him from middle school.

My ex fiancé. I mean, I not old slept with this loser I was engaged to him. I don't even know where to start.

Oh my god that sounds like my ex fiancé. Actually he cheated on me with everyone and their mom so it might actually be him.

It's a genetic trait but it's more common in some ethnicities. There was an article on one of the gawker sites about it not that long ago. The same gene also dictates the texture of your ear wax, oddly. If you want evidence that it's more or less common amongst some ethnicities, visits Korea in the summer. You'll

It's a genetic trait but it's more common in some ethnicities. There was an article on one of the gawker sites about it not that long ago. The same gene also dictates the texture of your ear wax, oddly. If you want evidence that it's more or less common amongst some ethnicities, visits Korea in the summer. You'll

BGR, which I think is local to MD/DC/VA. The normal burger is really good and they also have lamb burgers and ahi tuna burger which are delicious.

No, just the Vegemite and now that I've googled Tim Tams I'm kind of disappointed about that. I gave her Ajvar in return; she didn't like it. Which is weird. Ajvar is delicious.

I love Vegemite and I've never even been to Australia. An Australian friend gave me some once trying to gross me out but was disappointed when I ended up enjoying it. Given, I'll eat basically anything (expect melon, fuck melon).