
Oh man, that's me. I went from a size 8 to a 4 while writing my thesis and then from a 4 to 00 when I caught my ex fiancée cheating on me.

kimchee is a lot more complicated than that. It's actually fermented and has more live bacteria than yogurt. It also contains fermented soybean paste, and more kind of seafood to aid with the fermentation process (usually anchovy). It's also not always spicy, or even made of cabbage. I love the heck out of all of

I love cabbage soup. I'm not joking. Probably because I'm Slavic. It's genetic or something. That said, a good cabbage soup needs sour cream,which I'm pretty sure would destroy the diet potential.

and then if she accuses you of taking them, deny it, and act disappointed that she "lost" your gifts. Lecture her on being an adult. Next year, give her something from the children's section of biglots.

That reasoning was why I bought a bright pink suitcase. I thought no one else would have it on my flight. Unfortunately, the lady who grabbed it at the San Diego Airport also bought the same case because she figured no one else would have one like it... and didn't bother to check that it was actually hers.

Hey. LW2. When you say "negative reinforcement" to mean punishment to look smart you just make yourself look dumb. Reinforcement is the opposite of punishment.

Even wikipedia will tell you: "Negative reinforcement occurs when the rate of a behavior increases because an aversive event or stimulus is removed or

This is less a gross poop story and more an annoyed poop rant.

Aspartame might not kill me but it will sure give me the runs. Honest Fizz all the way. Erythritol and stevia are pleasantly harmless.

The actual standard is that you must prove a compelling need for the service to only serve one sex. In the case of both women only gyms and taxis, the frequent harassment of women by men satisfies this criteria.

The actual standard is that you must prove a compelling need for the service to only serve one sex. In the case of both women only gyms and taxis, the frequent harassment of women by men satisfies this criteria.

Shit, I should stop goofing off online and go run.

Late to the party, since I spent the weekend with my new, wonderful boyfriend.

I wonder where my parent's wedding would fit in? They were married in Yugoslavia in the 70s. The whole neighborhood showed up, whether or not they were invited. Everyone brought food (no need for a caterer). A great aunt hired a group of Roma she found in the town square to play music. The party lasted three days.

My father does that too. Even worse, I'm bringing my boyfriend (who is Asian) to meet my family soon. I'm really worried my dad will say that to him. :-(

Those look amazing but they don't come in an extra small long. I got so excited when I saw the size chart only to have my hopes dashed. :(

For real. Toradol is AMAZING. It's like someone flips a switch and the pain stops. Pity you can't take it for more than a few days at a time

High five! I also cannot metabolize oxy. It makes me feel queasy and that's it. I voted for advil as well. I have some serious joint issues due to a genetic disorder and sometimes it's advil that gets me through the day. Or, you know, Celebrex, the king of the NSAIDS.

Uh, no. That would be political, ethnic, and religious tensions. We're culturally morbid and we laugh at and accept death that doesn't make us murderous. If it did than the entire viewership of Archer would be a pack of serial killers by now.

As a fellow Slav (Croatian), this set me off giggling. I don't remember when I became aware of my own mortality, but I know I was very young, since I got in trouble for calmly explaining to another kid in my kindergarten class that we were all going to die one day. I know my American friends give me weird looks when

My forearms look like that... Of course I have a genetic disorder that makes them look like that. (Also, I have bones in mine.)