
I’ve had a lot of fun with the game but I think the part that feels off to me is the ISO system. I hate it. It’s not fun to just read stats that are barely different from each other and spend time trashing ISO’s 10 at a time every time your 1000 inventory is full. I don’t remember UA2's system but they should have

Yeah... and some with huge cult followings like the Outbreak series that were considered good Resident Evil experiences. Not to mention Mercenaries modes in 5 and 6, as well as the standalone for 3DS.

I would heavily argue that Battle for Middle Earth 2 is one the best RTS games of all time and has a large fan base still. I agree with the sentiment of the article but some of the games are up there with the best in their genres, such as LOTRO for MMOs.

The irony is that they would actually make way more money over time by doing that than releasing an extremely subpar lineup of games to a Classic console that nobody under age 27 really cares about.

I’m not inherently against Micro-transactions but I’m just so tired of them being everywhere and not being able to buy a game without having to research everything about it to make sure I’m getting what I paid for.

I hope they port over the first one as well since it’s going to 3DS. I never got around to playing them and now just have a Switch for Nintendo consoles and would love to play the first one at least since people seem to love it and it does look fun.

You wrote FFVIII in your initial listing of games, I think that’s a mistake?

I am shocked and appalled after reading this article and then through the comments that no one has made Bug puns.

Do you mean BOF3 on the Vita? It’s not available on the PS4 as far as I know.

Silly nitpick but the Centurion is a Medium mech, not lightweight. A Light mech would be incredibly impressive to do enough damage to a cockpit on a shot like that.

I enjoyed the first two but the second one really started to drag about halfway through if you were spending time getting the all extras done. I’m hoping they cut down on the amount of stuff needed to find in the next one (shouldn’t need to find 3 different items to show where all the other items on a map are).

I just started watching this and it felt so genuine in the acting when it came to him and his son struggling to connect. Very sad to hear this.

Obligatory name drop for the BFME 2 Edain Mod!

NT is pretty good but it’s definitely a niche game and all of the criticism it has got (and is about to get when reviews go live) are totally valid. I don’t know why they decided to make it so unique and off-putting to new players who want to enjoy the FF roster on a Console but here we are.

How do we bring these standards back?

Sounds like you’re a fan of the series, so you probably know about the Edain Mod. You should really give that Mod some coverage, it’s been in a slump in terms of new releases in the last year but man, the amount of content they’ve added has created an entirely new, and better, game.

Totally agreed with Lozzie. ORC wasn’t terrible but it could have been a lot better. It’s also dirt cheap on Steam Sale right now and the Multiplayer/Coop is fun. However, they should really put Outbreak 1 and 2 on the PSN to appease the older crowd. I can’t imagine it would take a lot of work to do that.

I honestly never understood why RE: ORC got such a bad rap. It wasn’t traditional Resident Evil, but almost none of it is now anyway. It was fun to play another perspective on the classic games and while the character’s personalities were lame, the campaign was solid (should have included the Spec Ops DLC at release)

I’ve always caught part of this show after Modern Family but never watched more than the few minutes my PVR would actually record by accident, despite usually laughing in the bit I did see. We actually ended up catching Modern Family at airing time for once and of course Black-ish came on next. I was totally

Excellent write-up. You're honest while not completely condemning it based on the small bit of it you played. I hope the review is this well done.