
This should have been the plot of Indiana Jones IV.

Holy hell. I love you, Jason. You are constantly mentioning this game on Kotaku and it's given fans a good vocal place to get behind you and shout how much they want this game again. I have no doubt that's help impact this decision. Christmas came in April this year.

I really like the common sense you have.

Prices don't include Tax. I work at Target in Canada and had the displeasure of re-pricing our console and peripherals today. I was excited to see Infamous when it came in last week and scanned at 59.99, and today, sure enough, it was 69.99. I'll pass and get MGS and FFX HD.

This was my problem. I have a PC, I play it, I enjoy it. I generally enjoy my consoles more though and to me, a Final Fantasy, a JRPG or anything in between feels comfortable to me on a console.

Pretend for 1 minute that this King legality stuff doesn't exist. The Banner Saga is phenomenal. At least go watch some Let's Play or Trailers for it.

This video is going to be linked too for years now when someone freaks out over an Alpha or Beta for Steam or consoles. Quit gaming because you can't play a demo? Wow. You should quit gaming because you clearly don't enjoy it more than complaining.

Yeah but Last of Us was never about feeling like a hero. You weren't supposed to feel happy at any point in that game - much less the ending.

This game went on Clearance literally within a month of releasing at the Target I work at. Seemed like a shame, since it looked pretty cool. It wasn't anything near game of the year material but it didn't seem like a bad game.

Are we getting a Kotaku Review today? I'd like to pick this up tomorrow and love it but the chances of getting burned on paying 60 bucks for this game seem likely.

Finally an interesting and different character added to this game. Pretty unimpressed with the first four.

I've never actually checked out Ask Kotaku, so this was the first video I watched. Good job on staying on point with questions and explaining your answers well. It's nice to see the (moving) faces and personalities behind reviews and articles, aside from E3 videos. Definitely continue having guests, it fun to see a

Simple, it's not.

"Had it's moments" is probably the best way to describe it. It wasn't unwatchable and a certain death scene in the finale (I think? It's been a while...) was pretty much the most anti climactic death (and I mean this in absolute praise) of a major character.

My money is on a Back to the Future reboot next. They're running out of trilogies to remake.

If I have kids, I want to see the joy of watching him or her open up a gift and see the front of their brand new game. Not the look of confusion when he opens up the wrapping and asks me what a Gift Card is.

He must have been referring to Cable's vacationing habits.

DA2 was a big letdown to people who loved the gameplay and choices of DA1 and the Expansion. It was just very different, constricted and obviously released early. So it got slammed by players and critics alike. Is it awful and unplayable? Nah. Just disappointing.

Yeah, sorry, I disagree with this price tag. Even if people didn't read the big, bold, print on the game's store page, they aren't wrong. ARMA 3 was (and maybe still is?) up for 30 bucks on Steam for early access and that entitled you to the full game at release. That's an established franchise with die hard fans.

I think it's an interesting video and kudos for a girl and her team putting this topic out there. I don't necessarily agree with every example but like I said, still an interesting watch.