
Okay, i see that, but when they make spiderman dark, I don't think they mean batman dark. People just connect it that way because that's how nolan did batman. Spiderman will be darker, but not dark to the pint where you'll see parker beating the crap out of a thug & throwing him out the 2nd floor window onto his

not bitchy, it's a shut the hell up to the people who think they're so sophisticated in film reviewing that they must say how the trailer is mundane etc.. People just hate seeing reboots, they hate sequels, they hate all that stuff. But I'm the kind of person that believes in giving it a shot before i disregaurd it.

well you can't stray away from the story of spiderman too much, just the way it's told. A bit darker & changing minor things sure helps, & changing his nemesis in the movie does too but its the story of a dude who gets spider powers & becomes a hero, can't retell that in too many ways..

hey we can't say that much from this trailer. For all we know the whole spider bite & origins thing will be summed up in 15mins. Kinda like the last hulk did. We shouldn't assume that much, though I agree a whole origins movie would suck, but I love spiderman & they signed up for a few movies, so it can't be bad.

rejected his wife? peter never rejected his wife. & he doesn't make poor decisions he makes selfless ones that screw him over. in recent issues he's got things going real well for him.

I love how people have so much to say about the new spiderman movie.. & yet it's nothing. nothing but empty rants & whiney bitchy complaints how they're unimpressed. It's spiderman, folks. we all know the story, we all know how it happens. Let's stop acting like something different was suppose to happen. Webb did a

In other news, Studies show that while numbers never lie but people do..

I see nothing Ultimate about these characters. Where's Venom? Hobgoblin? Thanos? I know im only mentioning marvel characters, but it's what i know mainly.

No really.. why the hell do girls go to the bathroom together*? it's gross.. theres no point to it.. STOP DOING IT!

always knew the bus driver from speed looked a little like a neanderthal

goddamn pandas.. why you gotta be so cute?

and how fast does it go?? you failed to give us the most interesting information

in other news 2million people have been found to be dopes.

who'd want to pretend to be 18? that sounds horrible

Damn straight! Nothing like a nice watch to wear out. & once you have one, you need different ones for different occasions..

Two Words:

correction* True Hipsters like to seem poor but actually have many trust funds


ok.. so you basically summed up an article from Time newsfeed & let your personal feelings about "hipsters" & young people come out.. awesome?. FYI not all twenty something year olds are hipsters & not all drink & blow shit up w/ explosives. You'd be shocked to know that at least here in NYC young people or as you