
wtf NYC, why are they banned here? i thought it was a total northern ban, not just 3 states!

doubt it would be.. most men aren't sold on the idea of love.

seriously! they would. of course women would let love be a pain killer.. they're the ones who love watching bs predictable romantic comedies..

yeah ure right lol.

Of course it worked..

Its the film makers equivalent of the Hummer..

dear god.. you people are living the good life.

i is sorry <3

in what dimension / parallel universe / fictional story do you live in that movie theatre tickets cost 7$ regular price?

50$ ? what a jip..

Psshh.. doesn't beat the Wii knock off sold at CVS!.. it comes packed with over 200+ GAMES!

nahhhhhhhh... VZW got its famed "iPhone". Nexus is a Sprint/Tmobile contract phone :)


Oil can't win. It's not bitching, its fact. We're continuing to use a source that is harming us & the earth we live on. Sure it sounds great, making oil more efficient, but we're prolonging the inevitable. Now you have these lobbyists & campaigns for drilling up in alaska or wherever it is so that we can not be

super awesome alternative energy future cars won't happens as long as oil companies rule the world. they'll do anything to stop those from becoming mainstream.

the world runs on fossil fuels because thats all there is. Its like a giant fuel monopoly. There are so many other alternatives if only people funded it & sponsored them. But they refuse.

yes lets add to technology that destroys the planets & keeps oil companies the richest companies in the world. that makes so much sense..

This is NOT good news

oh.. well then..

hahaha.. this is the funniest fetish thus far. The lead image is great & Wieners self portrait of his shlong without certitude is definitely one for the history books. Personally I do no fear the penis nor do I have any problem w/ it in films & Tv. Same for vaginas, though I would rather see more vaginas than penises