
I feel like a goober. I don't know what this question is asking.

1. True, forgot about that. 2. I don't count that as PTSD, since ANYONE would have that reaction. Tho I'm surprised she didn't pass out and wake up in a hospital/bed like she does 47 other times in the series.

I feel like the only PTSD it "showed" in the film was her waking up from a bad dream. It seemed really glossed over. Or rushed... which seems to be a theme with book-to-movie translations.

Hopefully. It was kind of a structural mess, not to mention emotionally detached.

I'm really not impressed by this CGI. Looks like Jurassic Park 3 leftovers.


Ummm.... who's the beefcake?

I really don't like Evangeline's hair in this. So distracting.

Whheeerrreee?!?! That's exciting. How does it perform?

Excellent!! Thank you.

That's pretty much exactly what I want. Although I don't really need an XL. I like the portability of the regular 3DS. But I don't know if I'd be able to pass that deal up.

I saw that!! I want it.... but do you think I'd have to get there when they open on Thanksgiving in order to get it?? That makes me feel dirty.

Tangent (because I can't wait until Moneysaver)..... What is the lowest price do you think the 3DS will fall to this season, or... when should I buy this thing cuz I really really want one!!(?)

Sweet. I'm glad they fixed the cat. Now all they have to do is fix the screenplay, story, dialogue, character development, special effects, pacing, acting, directing, cinematography, makeup, wardrobe, set design.....

Yeah, but on the other hand.... our hurricane season has been unusually quiet this year. In fact, it's been 8 years since a major hurricane (meaning a Cat. 3) has hit the US. We've had some menacing hurricanes for sure (Sandy, Ike), but as far as intensity goes.... we've faced a major dry spell.

The last book was a MESS. But so was the first movie. So maybe it'll all work out.

Man.... they weren't even tryin' with that Han Solo character.

But don't worry. It'll still have that console "feel" to it.

Whatever. Halo for the PC was clunky as shit anyway. Can't imagine Destiny would be any better.

Great, I just watched like 40 of that guy's videos. There goes my day.