
Hi, I'm Turbotastic and this is This Internet Life.

My boyfriend and I don't agree on our answers to all of these questions but you know what, we're going to make it anyway. We're going to do it the same way our grandparents' generation did by just sucking it up and sticking together out of spite all the way though the lovey-dovey stage, into the annoyed stage, and

Liquor does not "change the chemistry of antifreeze." Your body ends up too busy processing the alcohol, so your enzymes don't get the chance to process the antifreeze and kill you. The alcohol is a competitive inhibitor of the ethylene glycol in antifreeze.

If that blows your mind, wait until you hear about Victorian morning hair items like hair jewelry made from the hair of dead loved ones. Momento mori all up in this bitch.

You are 16, going on 17..........and he looks 25, going on statutory.

Aw, it gave me a vintage "Mary Martin in Peter Pan presented by NBC" feel.

You should know never to mix caffeine Pills and the sound of music!

*nods vigorously*

I told my boyfriend this was on as he was leaving earlier. His response was, "You're going to watch that and hate it, aren't you?

I'm disappointed that she can't maintain whichever gender she chooses while doing whatever she wants. I am a woman, I identify as a woman, but many of the things that I do would put me into the "masculine" role. I don't do "feminine" things. I do things that suit me. That doesn't stop me from identifying as a woman or

Argh! Just re-read and I realized I forgot to say what I set out to say:

When I read the books, it seemed that Katniss wasn't sexually attracted to Gale and her attraction to Peeta grew over time. For her to be involved with both of them, she'd probably have to want to be having sex with both of them. The constant refrain from Katniss in the books is she's not interested in romantic love

Wait....if Adam Levine is the sexiest man alive, does that mean that Benedict Cumberbatch died?!?

Suddenly I want to shop at K-mart and I don't know why. Boxers, people. I need all the boxers! many more studies from the Institute of No Shit (birth control saves money, birth control lowers the abortion rate) are we going to need before the GOP of Old Clueless White Guys stops saying that sluts are the root of all evil and therefore no funding for your whore pills?

Better sex education = fewer unwanted pregnancies = fewer abortions.

9th grade me still thinks Gavin Rossdale is deeep.

Personally I applaud the House GOP for all the hard work they've done this week to ensure that Hilary Clinton will be our next president.