
At least the Lego one's actually blocks.

Now all that's missing is for Andrew Bynum to return to the Cavs to give his 15%.

You have to laugh at a guy who tries to be all "unique" and "different," yet decides to commit murder in Chicago on 4th of July weekend.

I can't wait for the American animation of this.

I don't know about this. It seems to me Brazil was the team that sucked.

I can't imagine what that must feel like. They must be shattered.

I know Brazil felt entitled to win this World Cup, seeing as they were hosts and all, but you can't always get what you want.

Does the "z" in "titz69" make it more exxtreme?

Wow. They went waaaay over the limit.

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Handled it poorly? That's exactly how I react to any sort of adversity I encounter in life (i.e. fired from work, death in family, crust left on sandwich) and I turned out just fine.

Tune in to SVT2 this Torsdag at 21:30 to catch more of Alhaji's zaaany antics on this week's episode of Candid Kamara

This fucking horseshit of a false equivalency needs to die in a dumpster fire. "Oklahoma" is not, nor ever was, offensive because white/Western invaders never cast it in the face of the people they robbed, raped, relocated, and killed. They used "Redskins" and "squaw." "Oklahoma" is a Native American word. It belongs

Don't worry Andrew. This will all blow over soon. Keep your chins up.

It was actually "Dress as your favorite Yankee" night at the stadium. Andrew was just being Cory Lidle.

If you're looking for dirt on Johnny Manziel, I'm pretty sure the Browns offensive line will help you out.

There's gotta be a better term for this than "footage".

I thought you needed three rings for a circus.

The fire was eventually extinguished by Coors Light and broken dreams.