
Re: the black crossbar in the grill of the orange Mustang above...did they not learn anything from the Camaro several years ago?

*fingers crossed

The 392 would be welcome, but I still believe in “Hellcat all the things!”

Yes, but the newest Magnum is over 12 years old isn’t it? They should bring it back and pretend it’s a CUV.

The graphics are cool, but the skinny chin bar of the Bullitt looks odd to me. If I were to get a Bell it would be the Eliminator (which also has a RSD version).

When will Toyota recall the Tundra to redesign the front end? I must have missed the story where they hired a bunch of Silverado designers.

Small offroader?

It sounds like the biggest factor in this mess is the rail companies being tightwads and not having enough workers. I know it would severely fuck up our economy, but I wonder what would happen to those boardroom attitudes if a large number of railroad workers walked off the job.

I love how ridiculous this is, and the Z71 sticker is icing on the cake.

Not if you do donuts...

I’ll take mine in Plum Crazy, but yeah.

Does some strict regulation go into effect in 2025? As much as Dodge seems to be printing money with these, I can’t imagine they’re choosing to stop voluntarily.

While the idea of an exotic hot hatch is at least somewhat tongue-in-cheek, it appears in the current market that exotic SUVs are enough of a cash cow to offset the losses of such a whimsical project if an adventurous CEO were so inclined...

Looking at the lead pic, I was really hoping the thief got stuck in the car thanks to the handrails.

I’m skeptical.

I think it’s a risky move for Dodge to apparently drop these and put all their eggs in the EV basket.

Maybe the article was edited, but it mentions Sublime green.

No. The tire smoke will make them impossible to identify.

Coming soon to a Barrett-Jackson auction near you!