
True, but used prices should relax once new production ramps back up. Do you expect new MSRPs to drop?

That still seems unnecessarily high for the average car.

So is Facebook marketplace. Any time my wife wants to throw out patio furniture or an old lamp or whatever, I say list it online for a couple of days and sell it to the first person who shows up with cash.

No they don’t.

Is this a one-off spot just for this event?

Am I the only one not getting the comments to display on slide shows?

Yes, I wonder what percentage wage increase the admins are enjoying.

One survey found that 94% of men and 85% of women have ever done it; another found the...

That’s a long-term plan. Politicians are trying to get re-elected today!

Oil prices fell 27% yesterday. Gasoline prices are exactly the same today. Funny how prices can spike overnight, yet take weeks to reflect a drop.

Your comment is un-grayed, so have at it!

And I appreciated his apology on several levels.

My initial thoughts: not a “real” Blazer and not a “real” SS.

My thoughts exactly. British electronics for $460K? No thanks!

It’s not a terrible price but why not just get a Triumph?

I wonder how that fuel savings stacks up compared to the difference in vehicle purchase price. And does the hybrid cost more to own (maintain)?

Or I could just re-watch the original film...

Great description!