

I think love, in their case, has been in and out of it and struggling to formulate a cogent sentence while fumbling for words and stammering aimlessly for quite a long time, actually.

I went to see Captain America today too. There should be movie showings for adults where they turn the damn volume down, I love movies, but always leave the theater with a headache. I liked Captain America, especially Paul Rudd.

I kind of hate how much people complain about parenting/being parents/their children. It’s like you’re expected to bitch about how hard it is and how much it sucks. I certainly see how things about having children are less than ideal, but I for one really, really enjoy it. And I am NOT one of those Pollyanna types who

I have a two week old and a two year old and I’ve done a lot of self reflection in the middle of the night....Mostly of the “Oh my God! what have I done? What made me think I could handle this?” Variety.

Seriously, where the fuck do you live? My husband and I both have good (white collar) jobs and we both had to drain all our sick and vacation to cobble together leave and I still had to take 4 weeks unpaid. No one around here offers paid paternity leave and very few offer any paid maternity. I had to stay home the

I get the point you’re trying to make, and I don’t have children either and am 30 and have been working full-time for the last 12 years. But I don’t think that having children is the same as the personal goals you list. We as a society acknowledge to some degree that having children is a benefit to society as a whole.

People keep telling me I’ll change my mind when I meet the right man. People who know full well that I’m married.

I actually get it too because, quite frankly, many people DO think it’s a fun vacay. I’ve had two kids, I know these people. They send you emails asking if you are enjoying your time off and have time to do them a quick work favor while you’re just trying to ignore the fact that you bled through your giant pad onto

I don’t like this attitude either.

It’s 100% true that moms have no chill, and moms who start out with chill get it knocked out of them by other parents very quickly. I work at a museum for kids and let me tell you, there is no meaner, no more smug, no more critical or more sanctimonious than other parents. You know the obnoxious standard about diet

I’m a Mom. It’s not my entire identity, and it’s tough sometimes, but I love it. Now, after saying that, I’m sure you don’t give a fuck. And that’s great! Just like I don’t give a fuck that you don’t want to have kids. Good for you! You made a personal choice, just like I did, and you’re happy!

I love being a working mom of a small child and am not miserable. I’m way happier than I was before I had her. That’s not to say you should want to have kids if you don’t. I’d rather people who don’t want kids continue not to have them. I just wanted to throw it out there that it isn’t terrible for some of us.

Nah I noticed it in myself. I thought Sirius was really cool at 13/14 reading the book for the first time, but at 21 you kind of realise how much of an arsehole he is? Also Dumbledore, who purports to love Harry, is willing to risk sacrificing him for the greater good. But Harry consistently sees them parentally, to

To be fair to people who avoid junk food altogether; it’s much, much easier to eat zero chips than one. I don’t crave junk food simply because it’s out of my system. I am absolutely sure, based on previous experience, that if I went to McDonald’s this afternoon, I would want it again tomorrow. I don’t want it this

I’m adopted and got the “they’re not your real parents” shit all the time because I’m obviously a different, undermined race/ethnicity. The comments seemed to come from white people only. It always hurt me, because those are my real parents and have been since I was 2 days old.

1) Reiterating what others have said: that kid could be biracial, genetics are weird.

Bingo. That’s what she eventually said to me: “I couldn’t nurse so do you have *any idea* how that made me feeeeeeeel seeing you nurse?? It was SO HARD for me!” (And coming from her, “couldn’t nurse” meant she wasn’t comfortable with her body/comfortable with babies, it didn’t mean she wasn’t physically able to

I honestly don’t even know what I’d do in that boat...err...plane. I had zero problems breastfeeding my kid anywhere, sans cover. Just didn’t care. But I could not pump next to a stranger on the plane. Bathrooms are gross. Major kudos to her.