Once AGAIN, Leo and I started dating when I was in 6th grade and he was an adult man and we never broke up so this story is nonsense.
Once AGAIN, Leo and I started dating when I was in 6th grade and he was an adult man and we never broke up so this story is nonsense.
Um, what?
To all your questions - I seriously doubt it. The review mentions her possibly being a ‘sociopath,’ so I’m thinking the writers used that as an out so they wouldn’t have to depict what an actual woman would struggle with. Sounds like she’s cold, powerful, and uber sexual (but probably not in a realistic way. Meaning…
The only example of male sex robots I can think of are in the films WestWorld and A.I. In the first they’re just kind of part of the scenery of a cocktail party where the human guests can pick the make and model they want to get it on with, in the latter Gigolo Joe is shown with a human woman who’s very shy and…
So maybe you should consider changing the picture, at the very least? She mutilated the man while he lay dying - and if that had been a woman whose arm was shaved to the bone, no one would be making dog treat cracks. I don’t even want to think about how agonizing that must have been so I’ll hope he was unconscious…
The way hate crime laws generally work is that they increase the severity of punishment of a crime where the it was motivated by a bias against a particular group.
I think you really have to want it to be offended by this one.
I actually really hate wearing shit where the brand name is plastered all over it. If it’s comfy and holds my boobs down while running, fine, but I don’t need to advertise for you AFTER I bought your damn clothes.
As a French black woman, I can tell you that black-ish resonates a lot with French black people, it’s not about the American experience of race.
I mean...they should care because she’s a person and he’s a liar and if he’ll lie about that then why wouldn’t he lie about other things? I mean, by and large I could give a crap what my co-workers do, but if I find out that they’ve done something shady in their personal life then, yeah, I’m probably going to find…
.... who said they weren’t rooted in misogyny? I believe we’re discussing the topic of whether it’s “feminist” to ban things with a misogynist history, rather than allowing women to make their own choices about them. I mean, if high heels are relics of misogyny, should France ban those too?
Fashion that caters to Muslim women is no worse. Yes - some women cover themselves for sad reasons and some do not.
“In life you have to chose the side of freedom,” he said. Rather than covering women up, “we must teach (Muslim) women to revolt, to take their clothes off, to learn to live like most of the women in the rest of the world.
Locker room culture is such bullshit. Team Russell on this one.
I’m adopted (Indian) and my dad is Caucasian. At times, when we’re out, people have assumed I’m his wife. Good god, no, hork, hork, yuck, yuck. Even though my dad is totes adorbs, in a Tom Brokaw-like way.
“Why is Batman fighting Superman?”
King Kong. Over 3 hours of manic Jack Black fueled remake that no one really wanted to see.
The Phantom Menace
And it’s such an unfair question! How will the terrible, awful reviews affect the film? PROBABLY BADLY. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? I ALREADY FILMED THE ROLE FOR THAT HACK SNYDER AND THE EDITING WAS BOTCH JOB AND THAT WIG ON LUTHOR sorry, I mean, I think real fans will agree it’s an important piece of the story *starts…