
It is a show! Come Dine with Me is a program in the UK where four strangers take turns having a dinner party for all the other contestants. The contestants rate each other and share snarky comments about the other hosts. At the last dinner party each week, the host rated highest gets £1000. I’m pretty sure you can

sometimes i voted for whats worst and sometimes for whats better!!!

You make a good point that I think seems to be lost with a lot of the comments here. The writer seems to be making an explicit claim that punitive measures like cancelling his driver’s license are both demoralizing and counterproductive to him being able to find the kind of work he’d need to support his kids. I buy

He also doesn’t mention being any part of the day-to-day labor of raising a child. I would have had a totally different reaction to this piece if he had said “I don’t make enough money to pay child support, but my flexible schedule means that I do all the after-school pick-ups, sick-day care-taking, etc...” Instead,

OK, the system sucks and taking away your driver’s license is destructive to your earning potential and unhelpful. But, like - if your kids lived with you full time, you’d have to find a way to make it work. As the mothers of those kids already do. Stop thinking of child support as something you will pay when you can,

Raising children is inexplicitly hard. Imagine how hard it must be to have all these burdens AND have your children live with you full-time as a single parent. I’d love to read an article by your ex to hear about her trials as a single mother raising 3 children on one income, how she manages childcare issues, making

When my daughter’s father dicked me over with the child support, I took an administrative job in a showroom and unbeknownst to me, one of my duties was to walk their mangy old dog. I hate dogs. Their dog was old and smelly. Ugly too. You best believe I walked that motherfucker and picked up his shit everyday. Fuck yo

Yes. Now get off the internet until your homework is done.

I agree with that but my point was that when you have kids to support sometimes you don’t get to hold out for a “career”, you just have to have a “job”, or two or three.

If you’re a huge asshole, then so am I. I was reading all the way through, thinking “Just get a second job at Taco Bell and pay your arrears.”

Yup, raising kids is very expensive and very hard.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

What'd I'd like to know is how the mothers of your children were keeping it together all this time.

But remember it isn’t just one night as he would be in your life FOREVER.

Routh would have had a great career as Superman if he had a better script and director. Cavill looks like something Rob Liefield would create, a very generic ball of muscle.

Evans, Pratt, Hemsworth aka the Holy Trinity.

I sort of read that statement to mean that it’s somewhat racist to assume that black academy members will automatically vote for black actors, and that any solution to the dearth of black nominees that consists of simply adding more black academy members would thus be relying on that same sorta-kinda racist assumption

I want Cavill, Jamie Dorner and Robert Pattinson to do terrible movie together (preferably soft core erotica with paranormal elements). The press tour would be gold. Cavill would say all sorts of tone deaf things, Dorner would look sort of awkward and embarrassed and Pattinson would straight out say that he hated it.

Mel sex and a baby to deal with? Hard pass.