
I’m in the process of hiring a new undergrad assistant for my lab. I had it down to two candiates, one white, and one black. My co-worker actually said that I should hire the white guy because (and I’m quoting directly here) “Those ‘underpriveledged’ people, get money thrown at them just for showing up. It’s the

My answer to, “What are you?” is “American.” People either get embarrassed, upset or breeze by it and clarify like I didn’t understand their question. I prefer the first two reactions.

Where are you from

ETA-No for real tho, I think she was just mad trolling them. That is some dry ass sense of humor there. My hat is off to her and her ability to keep a strait face.

It’s always useful to remember that when people judge you for doing something that doesn’t hurt anyone, it often has much more to do with their feelings about their own lives than anything to do with you. My dad once referred to an older mother (early 40s) as “disgusting”. I was shocked. Now I understand that he was

Not as offended by all the corrections as I am by all of the “bad couch” jokes. Maybe I’m a humorless old crone, but even if I saw an opportunity on that one, and thought it would be funny, I wouldn’t indulge. I don’t want to rail on all the commenters who did (I think I like some of them), but, just, nope.

No. I do not like this relationship between Rih Rih and and Travis because he is a DICK. Story time.

People gave Dakota Johnson such a hard time for snapping at her mother, and I felt bad for her. If you filmed me hanging out with my mother long enough you would definitely catch me snapping at some point. Same with everyone, I think. No one can reduce you to behaving like a petulant child faster than family.

It’s alright, I don’t think ANY of your lovers will be able to look up to you ;D

My point was that if they were so shallow that my height would be an issue then probably something like that would be as well. So I figure i’m not going to worry about it.

I’m 5’4’’ and it used to freak me the fuck out that because i wasn’t average height i would never meet someone. It used to bug the shit out of me, I would even compare height on the OKC profiles I would look at. I knew it wasn’t good to do so but It became an instinct. I guess at some point I just realized that if a

I tend to prefer shorter guys (though to be honest, height isn’t something I care about... it just happens that the men I think are attractive are never all that tall), but I agree — none of them has ever been obsessed or particularly concerned with their height, so it was fine. I don’t think I could listen to someone

As far as I know, in Spain no one under the age of 40 actually wears them.

I am so glad I’m not alone in being positively flummoxed by this brand’s appeal and supposed popularity. I’ve been blaming it on YOUTHS.

Do not and I repeat DO NOT watch Sophie’s Choice.

It. Is. So. Lame.

Anyway, the coronation ceremony is going to cost a billion dollars or euros or whatever and George will probably do something cute.

Ah, catfishing. Starts out as a lark, something fun to do while you’re bored, and then next thing you know you’re in England wearing a wool hat and a strap-on.

She had enough money to get inseminated to raise a child beforehand. Why does she need more now? To soothe her stressed racist feelings?

+1 Well played.