
I’m not surprised. I’ve been talking about this with my husband because I’ve been doing my own reading more recently. I was raised in south jersey right outside of Philadelphia and slavery seemed to be mostly glossed over. What I do remember is a lot of education surrounding the Underground Railroad or the events

Doctor called an hour ago (he’s amazing and was checking for the results at home before he went to bed and called) and everything is fine. I’m so relieved. He also let me know I’m growing a penis in there. Mind blow.

This is exactly how I feel. My mom has already started buying stuff for this pregnancy and I had to ask her to not tell me/show me because I’m just not there yet. She got upset and can’t understand why I can’t “just be happy.” It took us a year to get pregnant the first time and we lost it at 9 weeks, I’m 15 weeks now

This is so true. I’ve had three miscarriages, surgery on my uterus to remove a septum, and I’m in my second month of trying to get pregnant again. At this point I’m dreading a positive pregnancy test because I know it is just the start of up to 9 months of constant stress and panic. I won’t be excited to be pregnant.

That made me tear up.

Thank you for writing this. My first child was stillborn at full term. Following her death, my ex and I tried to have another baby for 3 extremely painful years which included 1 miscarriage. I wish I had words to explain how hard it was to not only lose our baby, but to then deal with the awfulness that is

I've never seen a bear at Yellowstone. And I've been 4 times/got married near the park. And the only person I've complained about it to is every person I've ever met.

“What if such a request would prompt a separation/divorce where one wasn’t desired?”

Desired by whom? We know that it’s not desired by him, but he’s not the only one in the relationship. This is just a passive way of saying that letting his wife decide whether she wants to stay married isn’t an option because it might

I think this hits a little too close to home, because I can definitely imagine my dad trying to say to himself that his affairs were better for his kids than divorce.

Yeah, it made me feel sick too. You’re no longer attracted to her, have a higher libido, don’t believe in monogomy-fine. You want to stay with her because she’s a good friend and raise the kids with her-great AS LONG AS SHE IS AGREEING TO THE ARRANGEMENT TOO.

It’s okay to say its stupid, because it is in fact stupid.

Are you a Bluth?

You could have stopped at, “I was in Utah.” and won.

I’m biracial, so the white part is 95% feminist and 5% confused as to why black girls can’t just, like, be cool and accept that some white girls like to wear cornrows, and the black part is 85% feminist and 15% sick of White Feminists(tm) and all their shit.

Never joke about funny tattoos you would never really get to friends who are tattoo artists because you might end up getting a 30 Rock tattoo. Or do joke about it. Whatever, I love my weird caricature Jack Donaghy.

I know she does crossfit. Because, like every other person who does crossfit, she feels a need to tell people that she does crossfit.

It’s like people have subjective feelings about things.

DiCaprio is just happy to win something.

aka, The Strung-Out Hobo.

Well of course he does. The Grammys eligibility period ends September 30th. *adds Aaliyah hologram to Grammy drinking game*