
As someone whose research is somewhat related to this type of argument, men and women’s brains do seem to be different and there is a increasing volume of research that suggests that men and women solve mental tasks in different ways (not better or worse just different) and so it is entirely possible that one type of

I’m a lawyer, and at the time of this incident was practicing in several fairly small and rural Southern counties. I’d been out of law school for 2 or 3 years, long enough to be tired of the crap I would fairly regularly get from some older male lawyers. I had a trial in the neighboring county, and my opposing counsel

An American colleague (relevant) tells this one about himself. He was on a plane in Japan, on final approach to Hiroshima, when he noticed how new the city’s architecture appeared from the window. His Japanese traveling companion replied, “yes, we had a fresh start in 1945.”

Somewhat related, I’m part of a group online of kimono enthusiasts

I think a lot of people just don’t give a fuck and compartmentalize any ethical issues away from “well, this looks like something I would enjoy” ideas. I think about all those “swim with dolphins” excursions on cruises or theme parks the same way. It’s pretty to think that the dolphins/other ridiculously intelligent

My sister and I send each other this when we’ve Sealed The Deal with someone:

It also explains why his music is so... shitty.

Most plausible: John Mayer, Bieber fans saying the girl who fucked him should go to jail for telling her friends about it.

Like most people, I was an gangly teen- all pimples and limbs and braces. I had a huge, super nerd-girl crush on someone I’ll call Joe. Joe was a year older than me even though he was in the same grade, and had bit puberty sooner as a consequence, so was more man-than-boy shaped. Ravelston likied.

One look at time on

Gotta say, it is a huge fear for me. Even when parents are chill and laid back, you can end up with a dud of a kid. I think parental influence only goes so far. Some kids are just more impressionable, and I'm guessing the spoiled little shits that the Hanks' kids grew up around had a role to play in all of this.

Still waiting for the casting call for a show about accountants.

Debits, credits, accruals, and hair-pulling abound. Will artless.dodger make her month-end close deadline? Will the creep from IT corner her in the kitchen to talk about his MMA training? Will these intercompany recharges ever zero out properly?

I'm almost jealous of Paula Patton— I can only imagine that if you've been married to Robin Thicke, every single moment for the rest of your life when you look around and don't see Robin Thicke will be a beautiful, beautiful moment.

I tell all my brides who get crap from people about their choices two things: Your love is the centerpiece of the day, not the food or the DJ; and guests are there to celebrate your marriage, not to be entertained by you.

You're that person who wants to watch the world burn that Michael Caine warned us about.

it's hard to be a baby-heart surgeon

I actually just got one of these a few weeks ago but i'm pretty uninitiated when it comes to sex toy use I get kinda tense - any tips on getting comfortable with using one of these things when its sorta awk at first?

I know right?! I said elsewhere, but like, this woman (and others) who think that servers are swimming in cash because of tipping, LEAVE YOUR SHITTY RETAIL JOB AND START WAITING TABLES THEN. Oh, you don't want to? Hmmm. Maybe it's not as easy to make a bazillion dollars as you say, and you know that.

UK. No financial support whatsoever (apart from a small guilt payment the first Christmas that didn't cover the rent arrears, but was appreciated anyway). And yes it should be mandatory, but (deep breath) things had got so ugly by then that he had 'decided' that the kids probably weren't his anyway. He was on the

but doesn't it come off as "sad" because of her age? if she were 26, would it be categorized as sad or "thirsty"? maybe you're right and i am just more aware of it because i am getting older too. but to me, it feels a bit unfair. she has always been this way. she shouldn't have to stop being this way because of