
Welcome to 21st century economics in America. Can’t pay off your debts? Ask and expect forgiveness. Or in the case of the entire country, just print more money.

#1) Is text spam a thing? I think I get maybe one every few months? Phones calls, sure I get a couple a day, but texts rarely.

If the stock app has served you well for 9 years than who am I to steer you away, but the others really do have so much more to offer if things like speed adjust, silence skip, chapter recognition, cross platform sync, casting, customization, cleaner design are important to you.

I’ve tried them all, extensively, and Pocket Casts is the clear winner for me. It’s the only one that gives me most of what I need and worth the $4.

Or don’t.

Typically at the higher-end hotels I get much better, personalized service, and in the case of my last stay at a resort in Puerto Rico a personal butler. I felt the need to tip then.

I consider myself a very good tipper. However, I never tip the hotel housekeeper unless it’s a really upscale hotel or resort. I mean, are you really supposed to tip at a Hampton Inn or Best Western? It honestly never occurred to me.

Have to admit, after years and years and thousands of YouTube videos, I was never aware of the transcript option. So much lost time!

That is true about voicemail. Most of my spam calls don’t leave a voicemail, but maybe 1 in 10 do.

In this day and age do people actually answer their phone from a number they don’t recognize?

You fail to mention the most important part - what type of rice to use. I’m pretty sure Chipotle uses Bismati.

Okay I’ll bite...what the hell is Sears?

While conceptually this is correct, the part where you say, “and the yellow of the measuring tape will start exactly where the wood starts” is incorrect. If you clip on the outside there will be a 1/16" gap before the yellow starts. The tape measure itself (the yellow part) is always the depth of the clip shorter than

I can’t speak to the ratings (don’t really pay attention to that), but it wouldn’t surprise me if the major network shows get higher ratings since they are in more households. And maybe this isn’t the case anymore, but aren’t network ratings determined by a sample of less than 0.5% of actual viewers?

So I know Hulu has some original programming, but I thought for the most part they only streamed shows from the major networks? If that is actually the case I have to question the validity of this entire study. Or at least question what their definition of a “quality show” is. There is absolutely no way the service



I don’t know if it’s just my area, but Moviepass has been all but worthless for about the last 2 weeks. Any movies that are available (and on some days there are none) are only available until around the afternoon and then drop off. So even if a movie I want to see is available I would have to go to the theater about

Where is Backblaze B2? Pretty sure they would beat out all those guys in each category.

Wasn’t aware PS4 isn’t cross-platform with Fortnight. I play my daughter on the XBox while she is on her iPad.