
Desperate times...

That’s a great idea. Although you have to wonder if grocery stores will get wise to something like that and not give rewards for gift card purchases.

Yeah that tidbit didn’t make sense to me at all. It did have me wondering though - if you had a credit card that gave you more points back for grocery shopping, since most grocery stores sell gift cards for other stores, perhaps it would make sense to buy say, a Best Buy gift card at the grocery store if that gets you

Still not worth it. I have an iPad Mini 2 and it can’t run any of the current apps well. I was using it exclusively to play music through Spotify and Plexamp and it’s unbearably slow.

That’s what I mean...why would anyone (kid or not) need “lessons”? At least the kind you need to register for? It’s just something you go out and do. Whether they teach themselves or you as a parent help them along. It’s a complete waste of time (and I’m assuming money).

I think the better question to ask yourself is why are you registering for kids bike lessons?

Yeah, is this really a problem that needs solving?

Yeah, we’ve been using “all purpose cleaner” on our granite countertops for 10+ years and never had an issue. Pretty sure we’ve even used Bar Keepers Friend (although probably only 1 or 2 times).

The fact that this and Cinema Paradiso aren’t mentioned pretty much deems this list useless.

Population One, Walkabout Mini Golf, Eleven Table Tennis, Superhot, Bonelab, Pistol Whip, Walking name a few. A lot depends on what types of games you like. I would check YouTube for reviews as they show game play as well.

Not a single VR game? They should make up at least 50% of this list.

Yeah, I didn’t find that to be the case at all, but I understand that can vary greatly by location.

That wasn’t the case for me in my area. I can’t tell you how many times I got the “Rain starting soon” notification only to have no rain come at all.

Lots of misinformation in this post. I did extensive research and review over the last couple months and trialed like 12 different weather apps. Ultimately settled on Carrot and Clime. My favorite thing about Carrot is that you can actually select from different weather sources (with the paid version) so I can use

I specifically said “home workspace”. I agree you shouldn’t go into an office with other people if you’re at risk of being contagious.

I specifically said “home workspace”. I agree you shouldn’t go into an office with other people if you’re at risk of being contagious.

Eh...if you can get out of bed and make it to your home workspace, you can work. I suppose if you’re an hourly paid employee (as opposed to salaried) the point could be made whether you’re actually helping your employer. But if I can get out of bed, I am working. I’ve also never missed a day of work due to illness in

Is this even needed? I just open my dishwasher when it’s done, pull all the racks out and by the time everything is cool enough to touch, it’s dry. I call BS on this one and any perceived positive results are likely psychological. Even most of the comments on the TikTok say it doesn’t work.

Wow, that was so useless.

Yeah, this really is not a thing. Laundry detergent and a washer does the trick (hot water isn’t necessary either). As for hair, a good shower with shampoo has always been more than enough, but I do have short hair. Maybe if you have long, thick hair leave the shampoo and/or conditioner in for a few minutes?