
I think I would feel like I was cheating on my wife if I was reading to and being read to over the phone with some woman.

Competitively priced at $300

Competitively priced at $300

Sorry, but any time that it is light out should be ranked below any time it is dark.

Cinema might even be 5th behind “semen”.

Really like the idea of those bedphones, but disappointed that the “wireless” ones still have a wire. I would think if ever there was a need for truly wireless, this is one of them. Make them truly wireless, and I’m in.

Really like the idea of those bedphones, but disappointed that the “wireless” ones still have a wire. I would think

In some parts of the country getting separate checks has only recently become acceptable practice by restaurants.

Serious question - for what purpose do people use their Hue lights? Always seemed like a novelty item to me but maybe I’m missing something.

Serious question - for what purpose do people use their Hue lights? Always seemed like a novelty item to me but

Have to admit I was a bit underwhelmed with this “hack” after the build-up. It’s nice, I suppose, but it still doesn’t really make organizing my apps all that much easier. It’s still a major PITA when you want to move things from once screen to another, let alone into a different folder. I can’t believe Apple hasn’t

Sorry, but that site is a complete waste of time.

That is thoughtful of you, but not necessary for someone like me. When ham is served (or really anything I don’t care for) I am appreciative someone went to the trouble to prepare a meal for me and will eat it with a smile.

Strategy #4: Skip the ham altogether and go with a meat with some real flavor that doesn’t taste like a hunk of fat.

That’s what I was thinking.

Yeah, this is pathetic.

I use PIA, and have been relatively happy with them, but one complaint I have is it seems many sites (particularly financial sites) have their IP’s blacklisted so I can’t access them with the VPN enabled.

I use PIA, and have been relatively happy with them, but one complaint I have is it seems many sites (particularly

My rule is 50 pages. If I’m not hooked in 50 pages I’m out. I probably bail on more books than I finish but I think I’m happier for it. Sometimes I’ll go back and try again but it rarely changes anything. I think I’ve tried ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’ 5 or 6 times and can never get past page 80 or so.

I would argue that it didn’t, and it demonstrates exactly why the term “dong” should never be used in reference to a homerun in baseball. I always hated that.

I would stay away from these. Not worth the money. Typical Bose overpriced marketing gimmick.

I would stay away from these. Not worth the money. Typical Bose overpriced marketing gimmick.

Why give a gift at all?

Or even one of those Hobie Mirage kayaks with the foot pedals for 1/4 of the cost.