If someone beat Fallout 4 in 80 hours then they’ve only skimmed the surface. 80 hours will get the main story quests finished, even faster than that, but it’s nothing when it comes to experiencing the game.
If someone beat Fallout 4 in 80 hours then they’ve only skimmed the surface. 80 hours will get the main story quests finished, even faster than that, but it’s nothing when it comes to experiencing the game.
Well, we know what happened to the annoying little kid called Arthur Maxon.
I thought Virgil’s holotape was like all the little notes and diaries next to corpses you’d find strewn about the Mojave in NV. A dead girl in a cabin in an irradiated area with her journal entries about life being pointless wanting to become a ghoul. These little nuggets of story about the world that would never be…
Everything is better with Carol’s face attached to it.
Regarding the level cap. I finished New Vegas and all but one of its DLCs at level 50 (or was it 55? Whatever) and most skills maxed, notably aside from unarmed and melee, which stood at 20. You can imagine how much “fun” Sierra Madre was.
18-34-year olds is a strange bracket. Did they choose it only so they could call it “millennials”. I imagine so. You can consider it a given that an 18-year old JUST A BABY would receive cash moneyz from parents but someone in their thirties? Unlikely.
Compulsively opening all containers is so much easier now that you don’t actually have to hit ‘E’ open them and have the game pause while you go through the contents. One of the best, underrated new features of Fallout 4, no question.
You sure you didn’t hit caps lock by accident to go into walking mode?
Are those PENISES on the ends of its feet?
I had that problem with New Vegas. I started playing it and got a few hours in. It was boring and I couldn’t even kill geckos with that stupid weak-ass varmint rifle and the 10 rounds I had. Gave up and came back two years later. Two years. I’ve now finished all NV and its DLCs and I’ve over 100h in the game. It’s my…
Unfortunate. I’ve had the tab key not work 3 times during 20h of playing. That was fixed by tabbing out of the game for a bit. Nothing else. In fact, it runs beautifully — and looks beautiful — on all maxed settings on my 1.5-year old laptop.
I don’t know. The skull collection that I kept in my bedroom was pretty cool.
You did say it was common to have junkies mug you at needlepoint when you lived in Dublin. It isn’t common. My defence is not personal; I don’t have any kind of a strong sentimentall attachment to Dublin. I will be leaving Ireland soon. It’s not a place I’d want to start a family because of the influence of the…
Parts of Dublin can get violent, like in other cities. Smithfield is pretty dodgy. I lived in Temple Bar for over a year around the same time and nothing ever happened to me but I didn’t really go out at night. A few times some junkie or drunkard tried to get in the building and someone actually did buzz him in once,…
They’d also have the children wash the dishes because child labour is also something Scientologists do.
When was that and where did you live?
I’m thinking satire.
“Europe was built on the back of the Church”. What a joke shop. Europe was built by the bloody sword of the Church. They converted non-christians BY WAGING WAR ON THEM. The Crusades, yes? Remember your history, dickwad? Organised religion is of the devil, to borrow from their own arsenal.
That would be “Rape the Customer”, which is on the wrong side of the funny line.
I ran for a year. No more marathons, plz, one was enough, because I’d rather eat/read/play videogames/watch TV/make art things than spend hours every week training.