
It makes me wonder if the lady actually assumed the waiter was a lesbian. The Dan comment makes me think she might have actually thought that she had a sex change. Equally terrible, but I would like to know the exact reason why I should hate someone.

Your statement makes me want a cherry limeade now. Anywho had a family member work as a Sonic carhop. They are actually paid a regular wage. Any tip they receive they pool together at the end of the workday and that is distributed evenly to all the staff present. Supposedly a lot of Sonic's are pretty strict on

It is not legal in any state to pay wait staff less than minimum wage. Minimum wage is a federal law that states cannot override. If a waiters tips and wage (which is smaller than minimum wage) does not equal a minimum wage workers pay for the same pay period, the employer has to make up the difference.

No. Any american business is not legally allowed to pay their employees less than minimum wage. If a person's tips along with their wage does not equal the same amount as a minimum wage worker's during a pay period, the business has to make up the difference.

In a sense they do. I was a waiter for Golden Corral once. If your tips do not put you over the exact same amount you would have received if you worked minimum wage then the business has to pay you the difference.

There is also the pervy old lady on the right side doing a double take on his butt.

This lady totally checks out this kid's butt near the end of the gif... twice!

Lol. I like it when professors try to create these bullshit rules. I had one professor try to screw me over attendance. Told him to shove it, that I pay for the class and I use it how I like and his job was to teach me when I show up and grade my papers. If I am smart enough to pass the class without even being

I love her "come at me bro" pose. Also although you cannot see them in this picture she seems to be wearing some tall ass platforms. I would like to see a video in how she actually could walk in this or did she roll out onto the stage in vehicle form?

I always found it strange that people found cats, any kind of cat, cute and cuddly when in fact they are vicious killers. I also believe that domesticated house cats are not domesticated at all but just not physically capable of killing their owners. Looking into those cold eyes you can see that they would kill you

This article should be filed under "No shit Sherlock". Breaking news... wild animals are wild and dangerous. Also water is wet and we can show you how not to be fooled by cats using this one weird trick.

I had a friend who liked being choked during sex, and had a fantasy about someone breaking into her home and raping her. Only me and another close friend knew about this fantasy because of reasons. She was sexual abused when she was younger, not sure if that makes it okay.

Lulz. I once had the privilege to be present during one of my ex's exams for a biopsy. At first I just sat in the corner quietly while the lady doc went to work on my then wife who was in stirrups. The doc then tells me I can come over and watch. Honestly I tried to be turned on by the whole ordeal but it was not

This. My childrens' doctor used to give my kids candy and stickers after their visit. Had to threaten the perv with a lawsuit to make her and her nursing staff stop.

Because we are not a race. We are an ethnicity. Turns out we are also white and thus already represented in SNL.

My best friend is a lady who has not been married yet. I am a divorced parent. While she will always be my best friend I know things are going to be hard when she get married. She has been unlucky in relationships so far and I will honestly be happy for her when she does find that special someone, but I kind of

By magically gone you mean decomposing somewhere in your house, probably inside your walls.

Just make sure that you set them free far away from your home. They will find a way back if you do not. As this video shows, when they find a food source, they do not give it up so easily.

It is like reverse prostitution. You are paying other people so they can get their jollies by acting out their weirdest fantasies. You do not even get to grope back or you get thrown out. It makes me laugh they that they hide their sexual fetishes behind the guise of "acting".

I reckon it is parent outrage. This makes me quite sad. Not being the custodial parent of my 4 children, I looked forward to the little blue dot telling me my kids sent me something. Hopefully this will be changed back and the photo functionality is disabled instead if something truly needs to be done.