I tells it likes I sees it.
A god send to upskirt and nipple slip enthusiast everywhere. I love how the example used is a TED talk. I am sure many a student will be using this extension to "take notes".
Do the XLs still not come with charging stations? If so might have to get one of these for my eventual purchase of the XL.
You did not find the guy sexy?
Because regions matter. These guys want to focus on the NA market for some reason, and that is cool because there are actual reason in the business to do so. If only worldwide sales mattered then Monster Hunter 4 would have been released everywhere.
I think the only PC game in recent years that I did not name my own price was BF3. Oh humble bundle, how you scoff at the $60 MSRP.
More villainous, unsympathetic females characters sounds like a good idea. GLaDOS was awesome but sets the bar pretty high.
I love college football follies. Saturday is the best day!
There is a ad in which he fights a mummy and the mummy ray gun that robin uses does not actually work. WTF? When does Batman make a tool that does not work for its intended purpose? I think he distracts the mummy with Twinkies in that ad.
I do not watch a lot of anime but I love One Piece. I prefer dub but I am also okay with subs. I find that I prefer most of the dubbed voices over the subbed especially in smaller characters like Commander Jonathan. The huge reason for dub though is One Piece is heavy on the physical humor. I rather be watching…
I love salads too. But considering their high content of either ham, chicken, or turkey I wonder if they can be classified as salads.
Lol, I remember catching a glimpse of that when trying to find The Price is Right. Also remember being totally baffled as to why a soap would go down that road. Total jump the shark moment.
Not enough crotch shot.
Not sure what point you had in mind posting that except that someone who makes terrible youtube videos finds violence against children funny, but I would like to say that nothing in that video was funny at all.
No. I find the use of the word comedy a poor cover for a person's depravity. I understand humor is used as a coping mechanism by some for situations they find difficult to handle. I myself have a hard time dealing with funerals and being surrounded by grieving people and thus random jokes will pop into my head…
No. As I put in a comment just a few moment ago, I find the fact that the joke revolves around the idea of hurting a child disgusting. I am not entirely surprised that some people in the gaming culture do not care however. These same people probably downloaded the mod that allows you to kill children in Skyrim…
I saw the idea of an adult hurting a child before I saw the idea of racism. According to the article this is supposed to be some kind of joke. Did violence against children become funny just recently, or has it always been that way and I am in the minority that finds this appalling?
That is pretty racist bro.
Story needs more dogs. It is meh otherwise.