Not sure what point you had in mind posting that except that someone who makes terrible youtube videos finds violence against children funny, but I would like to say that nothing in that video was funny at all.
Not sure what point you had in mind posting that except that someone who makes terrible youtube videos finds violence against children funny, but I would like to say that nothing in that video was funny at all.
No. I find the use of the word comedy a poor cover for a person's depravity. I understand humor is used as a coping mechanism by some for situations they find difficult to handle. I myself have a hard time dealing with funerals and being surrounded by grieving people and thus random jokes will pop into my head…
No. As I put in a comment just a few moment ago, I find the fact that the joke revolves around the idea of hurting a child disgusting. I am not entirely surprised that some people in the gaming culture do not care however. These same people probably downloaded the mod that allows you to kill children in Skyrim…
I saw the idea of an adult hurting a child before I saw the idea of racism. According to the article this is supposed to be some kind of joke. Did violence against children become funny just recently, or has it always been that way and I am in the minority that finds this appalling?
That is pretty racist bro.
Story needs more dogs. It is meh otherwise.
You do not have to do anything. She broke a record in a game where the hero is a man trying to save his girlfriend. Anita Sarkeesian is probably pissed right now.
Lol wut? For women to have equality then record breaking cannot be special like when a man does it?
I patiently wait for your post to invoke Godwin's Law. Please people do not disappoint.
Is that a pun about Indians?
There was this barbie doll that was made back in the 90's that said like a hundred phrases. One of the phrases was: "Math is hard."
OMG! I hate it when it touches the water. I end up having to take a 2 hour shower afterward and scrub a inch of skin off the tip.
Lol. I would die if Ian told Patrick: "I love you man. No homo."
I have a good friend who is the same way about food. His problem stems from coming from a poor family and knows what it is like to go without eating. Growing up my family was not wealthy but we did fine and my parents made sure there was always food on the table. No, mine comes from a single experience that I will…
Honestly the one meal a day thing is not for the women but for me actually. I find that I feel better when I eat normally (just 3 normal meals a day) and not pigging out like I am right now. I do not like the stuffed feeling. I am 5'6" and 180 right now. When I was by myself (a couple of months before I moved…
Not trolling (this time). I have a very high metabolism. Like when I say I eat a lot I mean a lot. I can eat way more than most people and not get obese. Like I mean I'll eat a whole large pizza myself and perhaps a burger to go along with it. However the amount I am eating right now is making me borderline…
I am not debating if guys wear makeup or not. They do and I know some personally that do. Was just curious if you yourself would find that attractive or not. Like would you want your man to wear makeup (I am assuming you are a woman)? I personally do not really care if my woman wears makeup or not. I never…
Would you find a man who wears makeup attractive? I myself am going the starve route to make myself more attractive.