This solution applies logic and reason to the problem. WITCHCRAFT!
This solution applies logic and reason to the problem. WITCHCRAFT!
Why are you not sitting on top of a mountain, only to give this wisdom to those who journey its perilous climb?
I used to make HL3 confirmation jokes...
Sometimes I catch myself watching the screens in the game. Then a sniper bullet reminds me there are other people watching me.
You're not funny. You're not clever. You're a bully. A piece of shit.
What is wrong with her getting rid of her cat? That is her choice right?
Those armor vests they are wearing are most likely flak jackets which are not going to do shit when it comes to stopping a bullet.
That butterfree just ain't right.
I have no clue who this person is or why she matters either. In fact why should the internet care that this one person deleted her Instagram account because of reasons?
But does he live in a state in sharknado alley?
Of course it is about irony. Like the irony of a liberal blog acting like the tea party in the writing of their articles.
Your story is boring. Mine has a happier ending.
Depends on the situation. I think of a story that these girls were out in the middle of nowhere with this busted tire. None of them know how to change a spare and things were looking hopeless. Then out of nowhere this guy comes and saves the day. They are totally relieved and wanted to show their friends their…
DAMMIT PEOPLE! When will you people learn your logic has no place here. I scold folks like you all the time but it does not sink in.
No, it is not.
This isn't digital piracy. No, you sir are a actual full fledge thief. Congratulations.
Same here. Whether I get a nVidia or AMD depends on mostly on what CPU and motherboard I have. If it is a Intel then it is going to be a nVidia card. AMD will go with AMD.
Crossfired 5770s with Vishera 8 core processor. I upgrade when Battlefield makes me upgrade.
That was bad and you should feel bad.