
Two words: Soylent Green.

Was the Age of Apocalypse considered a crossover event? I really liked those comics.

Because Nintendo is a non-contender.

White americans never had chinese people as slaves, only as cheap expendable labor, so it is okay. No white guilt, no foul.

Don't cap. Better chance for mantles if you carve instead.

I always thought opinion was spelled with one 'p'. Thanks Obama!

For however easy putting a PC is (I just put one together last year and it took a while), the Steambox would be easier

No I was implying you were lying and never put a PC together or you would understand that the Steambox being some proprietary form factor PC would not be easier to upgrade than a standard sized case.

How would it be easier? You must have never put a PC together or you would realise that somehow the Steambox being easier is just silly.

Bending the rules to help you out? You said innocent people. Those soldiers were minding their own business and war was not openly declared on them.

We are all going to hell for laughing at this.

Hail brother! Go forth and spread the good news to our people.

Because I did your mom last night. That's why.

Is that really a thing?

I give this post my trolling seal of approval.

Is not that strange that there are things like this that are embarrassing to watch? Like you would be shocked if someone walked in on you watching this, and you would act like you just got caught masturbating.

Do not know why but for a minute there I thought Capcom was making a new game of this.

This is why I liked Morrowind's map better. Sometimes you would be out in the middle of nowhere and you would think, "How did I get here and where am I going?" When you ask yourself questions like that, you know the map is good.

I guess I am a Charmin fanboy. I get pissed when anybody squeezes it.