It is a great networking opportunity. I know several girls who would not have gotten the high paying jobs they have now if it was not for someone in their sorority hiring them.
It is a great networking opportunity. I know several girls who would not have gotten the high paying jobs they have now if it was not for someone in their sorority hiring them.
Dude was hella easy with the Electric Beam pause trick.
This. This was such a huge pain in the ass. Also forget about using your tri-rocket launcher or you are just going to accidently blow one of them to pieces.
Dunno. Our co-worker should not have told everybody that he was afraid of bridges. Well least I assume he told people cause they kept on screwing with him. Maybe somebody figured it out when driving out to a site one day. I was hired long after his bridge phobia was well known.
People have phobias and if being afraid of men is not recognized as one of them, it should be. I see how it is no different than any other phobia. I used to work with this guy, your average burly construction worker type chap, who was afraid of bridges. If we drove over one he had to be on the inside lane. We used…
Is wayforward a bunch of girls? I thought they were a bunch of guys. I only remember seeing men when they offered me a job then. But that was long ago when nobody knew who they were.
With my four kids this rule causes scrums at the sink due to them trying to finish first so they can get the Wii U pad first.
Grieve your loss.
Not really. They do also have some kind of soap in them as well. Also they do not fall apart as nearly as easily as paper towels do.
It is not that people are not looking hard enough. It is that people do not care about stuff that is already out. Also they will not be satisfied until the female / male ratios is in the female's favor, by a huge margin. Until this happens the people will not be happy. What is funny is that most of these people…
It probably is not because they cannot. Folks have different ways in their creative processes and come up with different things. I would find it odd that in all of the history of creating characters if the male to female ratio was anywhere near even. If it was then I would think that people were forcing it on…
People would just think you are lying and that you had proper applicants but they were all women. People whine about anything these days.
Amnesia had a spooky atmosphere at first. Then you realized when the spooky music started you stood facing a corner in a room till it went away. That what the whole game was to me. Looking at some corner of a room. The invisible water monster was pretty neat, but besides that the game ended up being a chore. …
Christ, the lengths people go to ignore the fact the Wii bitch slapped everybody despite being the least powerful is mind boggling.
Windows 8 thing is not weird at all. There has always been a difference in how well a game runs on different operating systems. As well I have found my AMD FX-8350 screams on windows 8 versus 7. Seems like windows 8 handles multiple cores better than 7 and the game was programmed to take advantage of that. …
What is with the obsession with glitches? Glitches just ruined my play time when they happened. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Some people do like getting kicked in the crotch.
What adds to the bizzarro is that a while back people got pissed that you could not kill the kids in Skyrim. The gaming community confuses me. Need more child murder but hold the rape.
EDIT: Someone beat me to the punch.
How do you know Beck is not a girl? Sure Beck was manufactured as a boy robot, but possibly could be programmed to identify as a girl robot. Is not that what really matters? What Beck the robot was born to identify as?