
If Child's Play and PAX did not exist, the would be no apology. He is a businessman now and runs a charity and event that brings a lot of good PR to the gaming community. Any shit on his behalf stains Child's Play and PAX. He swallows his pride so Child's Play can continue to make a shit load of money and to me

It really depends on the person why they are telling the story. Some because they think they are cool. Others because they get a kick out of fooling city folk.

All I got out of this is that mirror has some big nipples.

The PS2 belongs in a museum.

Hell yeah, BF 1942 was just as effective as Rosetta Stone in teaching me how to speak German. You had to learn or you did not know what the hell other people wanted.

She did not give him anything. He snatched the cash that was in some envelopes while she was turned around. The article does say he ordered her to turn around though, so she may have complied with some demands. It is possible it was some inside job due to him picking up the envelopes even though no indication was

A manly tear has been shed.

I was wondering if employee told the customer that because she believed any of the clothes would not fit her or if because she would not be able to navigate the store due to her size. Have you ever been in one of those stores? Holy shit are they tightly packed with clothes racks. Either way it is a total dick move

I had nex gen for a while as well. A Wii U and an awesome PC.

Oh you can tell it is not some serious problem. It is the fact that it is a problem at all. I was in a relationship for 16 years, 8 of those years married. Now I am divorced. One of the many things I learned from this experience is to not sweat the small stuff.

Put things in perspective. Is this the worst problem he has? If so then you have it good, because this is really not a problem at all. Sure you do not like it but do you expect to like everything he does? Have you considered his feeling and that perhaps he does not like it when you try to hold a conversation over

Hot damn that is slow. That reload took 5 seconds. If we both ran out of rounds at the same time I would have my single gun reloaded and already six rounds into this guy before he finished.

His smile is not toothy enough. Tom Hiddleston somehow manages to show all of his teeth in his smile. I would kill for a smile like that. People tell me my smile is similar to Vegeta's smirk.

I do not doubt there are freaks of nature out there that can make this happen. The fact that someone could aim just as accurately with two pistols as with one still does not make it practical in real world applications.

Hey I just realized I am talking to Santa Claus. This is what I want for Christmas Santa. Make it happen!

Huh. It sure is. I wonder how they did not create some rip in the fabric of reality being in such close proximity to each other.

You are correct sir. An explosion is a violent reaction. Gas equalizing out is not a violent reaction. Nothing is being destroyed or converted into heat during the reaction, which are marks of an explosion.

He is dismissing comments now. He dismissed my last comment that stated I was done arguing with him after made some comment implying gravity works on the horizontal plane (I ended up dismissing that comment in turn just to troll him back so you probably won't find it now). Not going to argue with someone who cannot

Fanfiction scares me. That and it would be not any different than if I wrote my own. Something about it being official gives me the warm and fuzzies.

Male Lara Croft? Is not that Indiana Jones?