
If you are talking about lightsabers of Star Wars fame, they are not lightweight. When handled by non-jedi, sometimes you would read or hear them commenting on how deceptively heavy the hilts are. This heaviness of the hilt versus the non-existent weight of the blade is why non-jedi had trouble wielding the weapon.

Yes you can get machine pistols. Well they do exist. Not sure if citizens could actually buy one. Anyways the better question is why would you want to duel wield automatic fire pistols?

Seems you do not understand the difference between the horizontal and vertical plane. On that point, Congratulations! Your unbreakable will in clinging to an invalid concept has defeated my will to educate the inexperienced. I have the greatest pity for your teachers.

Seems you do not understand the difference between the horizontal and vertical plane. On that point, Congratulations! Your unbreakable will in clinging to an invalid concept has defeated my will to educate the inexperienced. I have the greatest pity for your teachers.

Yeah I am done arguing the point with this guy. We could have shooting champions, combat trainers, and any other expert in the field chime in here and this guy will not be deterred in his quest to spread misinformation.

Give me an example of a bullet curving on the horizontal plane besides a cross wind causing a slight deviation in trajectory. I will wait for ever because the way guns are designed a bullet will not deviate horizontally on its own without any outside interference. However pop a paintball in the barrel and the next

He should get Fabio to promote this game. I would lose my shit if I saw that commercial on TV.

This game seems like it almost borders on copyright infringement. You have tiny little robots hiding under traffic cones instead of hard hats. Being a Mega Man fan I would be offended by this game if it was not created by one of the Blue Bomber's creators.

Honestly I am beginning to think this person is some kid who is not even old enough to serve in the Armed Forces. Also the way he types makes me think he is not American so there is possibly some other country whose age requirement he qualifies for. For a while I thought he was a troll, but I think he actually

Okay I can agree with this. If your only intent is to try to get all of your sidearm clips empty as fast as possible then using two guns could be an advantage if you are trained to reload two guns at once fast enough. All of your other arguments speak of an actual real life use so that is where the confusion lies.

You need to learn reading comprehension. I specified horizontal trajectory in my sentence. Paintballs will curve on the horizontal plane, bullets will not.

Sorry, but the way paintball guns use CO2 is not an explosion. Please take a physics or chemistry class for further information.

Turns out even some of these pistols can use hoppers. Either way, I said paintball guns, not paintball pistols. Also the only similarities these paintball pistol have to firearms are things that have no weight in our discussion. Combustion is not used to fire paintball guns. Paintballs do not have the aerodynamics

Thank you. I was hoping someone from our armed services would chime in. My experiences are limited to law enforcement so I did not want to speak for you guys. It seems this guy's experiences are limited to the games he plays, not realising that they are just that, games. Might as well say I am a captain of

You do realise guns do not have clips that last forever right? Actually you probably do not realise that because you speak of paintball guns that have hoppers that hold an obscene amount of paintballs. Your statements pretty much show me you have no real world experience with firearms and your only experiences are

An ambidextrous person would be no better at dual wielding than a normal person. Pistols are not made to be fired with a single hand.

Yes it is one of the defining reasons. Pistols are not accurate guns despite what Clint Eastwood would have you believe. I have seen people miss their target even from the distance of a single step back after being an arm's length away (this exercise is part of the FLETC test). You need both hands to ensure proper

From that statement I can tell you have never been trained to use real firearms, and quite possibly have never even used a real firearm, and maybe have not even been present when a real firearm was used. To think that people would react the same way to an airsoft gun to the way they would to a real gun is ignorant.

There is a reason why in the armed forces you are only issued one sidearm pistol and not two. There is never a reason why you would need two pistols at once.

There are actual styles of fencing where the rapier is paired with a dagger.