
Listen, you’re a freethinker, you’re standing up for your beliefs even though you’re an easy target here, and I like you based on your comment. But your comment is incredibly narrowminded. Short of catastrophe (and not just any catastrophe, but THE catastrophe), there’s no way we will deviate from the AI Development

I have too much pride to cheat. I want to know the amazing run I just had was because I’m that good. I would be so depressed if I could only do amazing things with an unfair advantage. Cheaters clearly have a different mindset which is alien to me...

That concept is such a beautiful car.

So what’s the best card on this list sub-$100?

A good PR firm could spin this to help Austrailia’s tourism, continue to raise awareness, and generate money to help the cause. I suspected ulterior motives even before I saw your coal mine link.

What the hell is wrong with that cop? That’s a major safety hazard.

I’ve been traumatized by the Backspace key so good riddance. The thumb forward/back buttons on my mouse works better. And when I’m in all-hands-on-keyboard mode, alt + left/right arrow works fine.

I freaking love this idea.

I wouldn’t consider Andy a layman. Sci-fi authors and futurists can see things that regular scientists can’t.

So basically Google and Nissan fundamentally disagree on the premise.

Was he a lawyer?

Companies are starting to respect work-life balance. But employees suck at standing up for it. Don’t be apologetic or guilty or feel compelled to explain your circumstances. If you can’t get to something because you have higher priorities, all you need to do is one thing: make a commitment. Like “I’ll have this to you

Google’s voice recognition has really become outstanding. Earlier today during lunch I said in my best indecipherable Indian accent, “Ok Google, please to search Home Depot [pronounced ‘de-pot’]” around me.” The assistant spoke back to me about Home Depots in my area. I was impressed that it knew not to do a simple

Agreed. The formula needs to be refined to account for variance from seasonal/holiday/weather changes. In fact, I can’t see how a good data analyst wouldn’t want to investigate this, which makes me doubt this guy’s competency.

Anyone else find the branding offensive?

Roughly 50,000 colors and 350,000 details too many to be an effective logo. But still badass.

I can see why you said “It’s not innaccurate” but I’m definitely an “It’s accurate” kinda guy.

Actually this applied to middle and high school too.

“Scariest movie ever made.”
- Text from movie poster for every scary movie ever made.

Maybe he was running backwards to counteract the 62mph. I know 10mph doesn’t seem like much but I once sprinted into a signpole trying to catch an aerobie and trust me 10mph makes a big difference.