
I never liked this whole “don’t recycle plastic bags because it gums up our equipment” being conflated with “plastic bags gumming up our equipment is bad for the environment.” No; plastic bags are bad for the recycling company’s bottom line because they require the company to spend more on manual labor or developing

I’m heavy-lidded like a purring cat.

If any other clueless people like me are trying to figure out why the older guy is recognizable, he’s the religious guy that Sandor Clegane kinda befriended recently.

My favorite is Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Alabama)’s comment:

I fantasize about having a drink in a place that looks just like this. Very close to what I imagine Kvothe’s bar is like.

*scrolling through Feedly, thinking surely I won’t have to read about this on Lifehacker..*

Oh, the iRony.

Yayyy closet racists. *rolls eyes*

Ugh. They could add another 10 seasons and make this series even more legendary. Don’t they realize the potential here.... We haven’t glimpsed much of the White Walkers. There could be so much to discover about them, their society, their intelligence and new form of magic. Or with the Children of the Forest. Or

It is cute. But sometimes spooning leads to forking and forking leads to missed meetings.

This was so realistic that my brain saw pain in the wolf’s eyes when his spine separated from the rest of his body.

LOL @ increasing pixelation. Silly astronomers... haven’t they heard of Smart Sharpen. Heck, even Unsharp Mask.

My little human brain is having trouble wrapping itself around “frenzy.”

A classic example of form follows functionality. This is a work of art.

His composition is so clean and tight. He really understands contrast (slow vs fast, quiet vs loud, climax vs monotony, etc) that differentiates between a legendary musician and the crowd of technically talented. I’m impressed.

+ wrap each in 1 layer of wet paper towel = colder, faster.

LG’s marketing dept is getting a little aggressive with the targeting.

Is anyone else pissed off at the white car too...

Anyone else have to read the title 5 times (including upside down)?

I typed in “Determiner adjective adjective noun verb preposition determiner adjective noun” and was astounded at the results!