
Seriously, they should market it as a developmental tool. My baby’s hand-eye coordination advances by at least 4 months whenever he sees that thing coming for him.

It should be called whiplash since that’s what my baby does when he sees it. I have to put him in a headlock.

“You knew, but you still came inside. We’re too afraid of being rude to go with out animal instinct and get away from danger.”

I’ve only told this story to my closest friends. I haven’t even confided in my sister (for fear of the obvious shame). Please buckle in because this tale needs to be told in length.

My good friend-let’s call her Jane to protect her identity- told me her ghost story last year, and since then it has been confirmed to me by several people who were around at the time. It took place back in the late 90's when she was in her early 20's.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

Now playing

Appx 6:50 takes ya right to Dianne rockin out to some Blind Melon

Yes! When she laid on the ground howling when she fell out of her lawn chair!?

That’s Dianne. There is no greater gift to tv than Dianne. Except maybe Davos.

For those of you that followed Rick Juzwiak when he had his own blog, the recap he did on “Fat Camp” was EPIC.


I believe the line was “I will gut you, like the pig that you are.” My husband and I still quote this line all the time.

Was that the one where the groom’s limo was late and he got on the phone and walked down the middle of the street and started yelling about how he was gonna cut the driver’s throat for making him late?

I just literally LOLd


Literally the single greatest episode of television ever produced.

i never watched “true life: i’m getting married” - but did they ever find a solution to the wife’s debilitating shellfish allergy?

Oh, I guess you’ve never seen the fat camp episode, starring Dianne.


Shitting Charmin bears

I hate those fuckin bears