
Ok then, hun. :)

I'm sorry you are so narrow-minded and ignorant as to define 'trolling' as 'somebody with a differing opinion'

I wasn't trolling.

You are, but then you get long, loving camera shots up and down the body of the lead character in all her varying outfits and personalities.

Looks certainly help too. There aren't many people unwilling to admit that Bundy wasn't an attractive guy by conventional male beauty standards.

Ok, but what element of our culture do you think this dark fantasy universe is reflection on of commenting on?

Yeah, good comparison.

I agree. But once again I'll point back to the Jezebel article (and apologize that I haven't yet read all the linked sources).

I agree with you. I have no issue with anything I've seen in the show or in this episode.

It should be noted that, George RR Martin scripted this episode and (I believe) was on hand for the filming.

Oh, I know. That wasn't the point I was making re: The Avengers. Sorry I wasn't clear.

"Some will defend the scene with a "But this is the Game of Thrones universe! It would be disingenuous not to include prolonged scenes of torture!" Sure. Fine. But if that's the case, then it's also disingenuous to include any woman with a bush smaller than a bramble patch."

Ok then.

I agree, Bundy killed out of psychopathy not in search for status.

As compared to the guys playing Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Loki, etc?

I never once said that Whedon COULDN'T write for a fat woman's character. I think he's talented enough to write for pretty much ANY character quite frankly.

I don't disagree with you.

Women find killers attractive. News at 11.

He was a writer on Roseanne, I wasn't aware he was the creator.

Yes, James Marsters is awesome.