
I knew by the time I was 16 that I wanted nothing to do with having/raising children.

And nobody is so unattractive that they should reconsider living. Where are we drawing the lines of acceptable hyperbole?

A) I already responded to her and explained why I disagreed with some of her points.

I don't even know what 'bone pressed' inches are?

I agree with you regarding the existence of power differentials, I disagree that the best means of combating them are to establish a rule-set that essentially comes down to 'we can demean you, but you can't demean us'. Equality isn't achieved by picking and choosing suitable victims of bigotry.

The 'bucket of water' was hyperbole, but I made it pretty clear that key issue was a lack of friction strong enough to create satisfying pleasure.

I think you need to request an invitation to start your own thread. Anybody can respond, but the author needs to approve it (or follow you for automatic approval... I think).

I don't know who you're referencing, to be honest.

BTW, are you suggesting that the following comment would be accepted in the 'safe space' of Groupthink?

The guy in Seattle with the 'love lab' who studies relationships and whatnot (I can't remember his name for the life of me, but he's highly respected in the field), says that couples who fight are much, MUCH better off than couples who use silent treatment or simply don't talk.

Oh, I tried. She'd prefer to dismiss a comment that points out her overt sexism rather than defend it.

40+ year old women are so unattractive. It's a wonder they even bother to wake up in the morning.

People will always fight however they can to fight for more power/privilege or to retain their power/privilege.

Clearly she values huge cock, and feels that others also value it and would be impressed to hear a visceral accounting of it's impact on her.

Well you're not a pathetic anti-semite at all then.

I don't recall criticizing vaginas. I described the sensation of fucking one that had lubricated to the point that friction and therefore pleasure suffered.

I don't disagree.

My family is so damn busy all the time, that just agreeing to show up for a family dinner is considered enough of a gift to make her happy.

Of course! I'm not an idiot.

It's cute how you interpreted that as 'you have trouble getting women off'. I never said that, only that more effort was necessary to do it, versus the effort a man or woman has to put in to get a dick to unload.