
To me, tanned people just look healthier and more attractive. And I include myself in that category.

I'm Jewish (raised, not practicing), I'm pretty sure I understand the history of oppression against Jewish people. I also know that disliking somebody simply for being Jewish is VERY different than disliking somebody for being an entitled, ego-centric, demanding, shallow, materialistic princess.

Fair enough, I guess I just don't see JAP isn't particularly hateful. It doesn't apply to all women or all jewish women, only a particular subset of the population that displays particular unpleasant behaviors and attitudes.

Pretty much.

With regards to the OP, were you under the impression that the purpose of a commenting system is to silence differing points of view?

There's more in common than you think. The most important facet of each is that only the most oversensitive whiners in each group have a problem with the term.

True, just a gender connotation.


Jewish American Princess. It's not exactly the N-word, relax.

"We will all (myself included) marry a Jewish boy one day, but let’s enjoy the definitely cuter, definitely better-bodied, and definitely dominant religion guys while we can. Go get ‘em ladies. See you at cooler-making time."

Hey! She's like me! Saving the safe, pragmatic choice for later in life while letting raw,

You're asking that accountability be demanded of EVERYBODY, and that we accept that certain actions incentivize certain performed behaviors.

I don't hate all Jewish girls and everything about Jewish girls sum total.

I will remmmmmeeemmmmmber yooooouuuuuu, will you remmmmmmeeeeeemmmmber meeeeeeee.....

... Can you get your mother to write a book, and to send it to every Jewish girl on the planet?

Please? I beg you. I BEG YOU MAKE THIS HAPPEN.


Whatever you say bro.

Apparently the world HAS changed a great deal since you last took observation, cause yeah, that advice isn't off the mark.

I never said it wasn't ethically shitty of them to fire her the way they did. I believe in my very first comment I said it was insensitive.

Probably cause it's neither.

Maybe. Vancouver IS kinda known for it.

Uh... not really. Avoiding Jewish girls hasn't really robbed me of anything other than undue annoyance.