Sean Malloy

“You know what I blame this on the downfall of? Society! Back in my day we worked 28 hours a day and said ‘thank you’ when the boss threw hot embers at us.”

On the other hand, they have ejections seats.

“bases his position on provisions of the U.S. Constitution that prevent the federal government from regulating conduct that has no effect on interstate commerce.”

And often carried to its ultimate extreme with military fighter aircraft, where bringing CoG and CoL together makes for a more maneuverable aircraft, at the cost of requiring active control to prevent the plane from rapidly departing controlled flight, sometimes to the point where having a failure in the flight

It actually came from Europe in the first place, a master-serf custom where a servant could receive extra money for superb service. Wealthy Americans coming back from vacations in Europe brought the practice with them, so they could feel aristocratic. Most diners in the US were against it, deeming it both

Planes are finely balanced around thier CoG, and the main wheels are BARELY behind that point so they can easily rotate for takeoff.

And six, but tossing it out of a sixth-floor or higher window is littering, probable endangerment of anyone below, and in both your case and mine the method is only usable once per iPhone.

I’m not sure that it’s forgetting about the infotainment system so much as arbitrarily deciding that it’s vitally necessary to have a display screen the size of the average desktop monitor so they can jam all the confusing controls on the screen at once, which is impossible to fit in the dash without having to junk

And I’ve been patronizing a little hole-in-the-wall place since I was first taken there in 1983, where I can get sliced Gyros meat on my burgers. Another entry in the ‘your imagination falls short” list.

I had the immediate image of sauteed apples between two layers of puff pastry, but I don’t think the waffle iron would close enough to cook the pastry properly.

Elon Musk has warned that Tesla needs the economy to “stabilize” before it considers expanding production any further.

Or the Hollywood PD, from recent accounts...

Yes, I put it down to people afraid of cornering, and not understanding that *their car is designed to take turns at street speeds*.

And you’re ignoring the additional overhead of hydrogen generation that, unless you’re going to have Hindenberg-sized storage tanks, you’re going to have to expend significant amounts of energy compressing it to that higher energy density -- energy you don’t get back when you tap the storage.

Make hydrogen and oxygen all night, then burn them during the day.

Well, you know, shiitake happens...

“bitterly regrets the events that led to this criminal trial,”

The Delete Act will create a system where you can make one single request that forces the entire data broker industry to delete the details they harvest from your life.

If they have a green light they won’t even look up from their phone to make sure some random car isn’t about to run the light and smooth them.

Ever been ninth in line in the left turning lane? That’s a recipe for road rage.