Sean Malloy

Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe has made actions like this their core business for decades...

“Not a lot of people want to do a four-email course meal...”

It’s an archaic usage outside of firearms enthusiasts and watch collectors, and means to adjust to a standard of accuracy. For firearms, ‘regulation’ is the process of adjusting the sights and/or barrel(s) so that it shoots where you’re aiming at. The term is mostly used with regard to shotguns today, although there

The thing is, predators don't just attack herbivores to be attacking herbivores; they (with very few exceptions) hunt for food, so they'll take down enough prey to satisfy their hunger and stop, not keep attacking until the entire group is dead; it destroys their food supply, and then the predators have a die off as

Cook’s Country had an article on pepperoni rolls a while back, referencing the original versions using split pepperoni sticks, not sliced pepperoni. You can find the recipe with a Google search, or a PDF at

Sometimes it gets excessive; I don’t know how many times I’ve wished there was some way in ESO for my character to tell Stuga to feck off and stop bothering me the fifteenth or sixteenth time she runs up to me and starts dressing me down with “Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you?” No, I don't, Stuga, nor do

What the law says, and what happens in practice, are two different things.

And complicating the problem is that the rail network exists for freight traffic, not passenger traffic; the lines are built for 50mph freight consists, which have right of way over passenger traffic. Realistically, high-speed rail would require separate right-of-way, and as we’ve seen with the California high-speed

Then one step further — mandatory regular pregnancy tests, at least on a semiweekly basis, for women of childbearing age who cannot document infertility (i.e., tubal ligation) so that they can be placed on the pregancy registry, and the concomittant police murder investigation in the event that they miscarry to rule

I prefer the Tempura Chicken they used to carry; it was by and large the same, except that the sauce had a flavor that I liked better, and I thought the coating on the chicken pieces had a better texture. Unfortunately, with two functionally-identical products, a small difference in sales was all it took for TJ’s to

That “raises” even more questions.

From conversations with staff at a number of aviation museums, there are two kinds of aircraft engines -- engines that leak oil, and engines that don’t have any oil in them.

...behind them in what would be the cartilage slot...

In the days leading up to the storm, there was a lot of talk online and in the media about the unprecedented nature of Storm Hilary.

There is still exploration done; the established hyperspace routes are paths that have been surveyed to be free of obstructions that have the potential to create a significant emotional event for pilots, crew, and passengers, and can be traversed at high speed. However, discovering a new clear route can provide a

The terms ‘unbanked’ and ‘underbanked’ would preferable, because they refer to people who don’t have bank accounts, or who don’t have credit or debit cards, without reference to the circumstances that left them that way — there are plenty of working Americans who fall into one of those two categories, too.

Don’t be surprised if someday in the not-too-distant future, your Nachos BellGrande can only be ordered by tapping a cold, hard touchscreen.

And pass up the chance to get new videos of some idiot in a muscle car stomping on the accelerator leaving the meet to ‘show everyone’, then losing control and crashing into a [insert favorite immovable object]? It is to laugh.

That comparison is demeaning to gullible cucks.

The four seasons in Southern California -- earthquake, flood, drought, and fire...