
Fuck Jim Spanfeller

Check my work guys, am I doing this right?

Reminds me of the Pro-lifers that murder doctors.  Every life is worth saving unless you disagree with me.

That’s the stupidest combination I’ve ever heard in my life!

The big difference is that Trump would never openly admit that he had an excessively huge ass, let alone express dismay that no one told him. He knows he has one of the greatest asses. Many people say so...

I guarantee that 1-2-3-4-5 is his luggage combination. 

These are the two questions we should all be asking:

That hypocrite vapes four pods a day.”

“That's OUR job!"


Oh my god, I would love to see members of Congress give Trump the dressing down he deserves, on camera, while he has to sit there and take it.

Your idiot murder toys should be melted into scrap and the 2nd amendment is fit for nothing more than toilet paper.

That’s here in Rochester, NY. Shame is, that video *could* have been a commercial for how easy it is to fly here. Look at the line, or lack thereof. There’s zero waiting. I guess the TSA agent had too much time on her hands. Now she has more. I hope they handed her a note... “You Fired”

Melanie is illiterate, how is that a news?

I’m going to have to agree with Conway on this one, Trump-PENCE2020 is unnecessary.

You can still vote for him but you'll need to write it in. Good thing most Trump voters can't read and write.

Hi Jezzies