It’s rods all the way down( or perhaps up, In this case).
It’s rods all the way down( or perhaps up, In this case).
“The victim did not even realize she had been stabbed until she got home.”
My alternative take on this theory is two short slimy aliens stacked on top of each other. “He” wasn't born in Canada, but Blorgon-5.
Yeah, well, let’s see them kick my emotional support grizzly bear off the next flight I take!
So what you’re saying is, I should hold off on serving Brett Kava-Nog. Which is which like regular Egg Nog, just with beer, lots of beer, instead of hard liquor.
It's what I used to call one of my cats, cause he always looked so happy with himself, even when he was doing something stupid. Thank god he passed away before these dark times.
Don’t forget the Fancy Lad Snack Cakes, those will last forever.
Or that the wrong person uzed it first.
As a white guy who had long hair in his Twenties, I can sympathize. People were always wanting to touch my hair, usually they asked and usually they were cute girls, though. but having someone just randomly grabbing your hair to feel it is creepy feeling.
Billy west is a hero
I’m hoping the title of the movie is” All the President’s Morons”. Seriously the few competent(but probably evil) people have run around trying to undo all the crazy shit the rest of these nitwits perpetrate.
All the President’s Morons?
Its worse when Ukrainian judge only gives you a 5.0 cause they claim you nipple skills are sloppy.
Test pilot rolling a 707.
It’s Antman doing the half size shrink thing. Tricky.
Those gardening photos look posed as hell. She doesn’t want get any dirt on her, that’s for the commoners. Wanna take bets that watering can is empty?
My religion says that I have the right to slap those who offend me with a fish of size and weight equivalent to the amount I feel offended.
So, if they can get 10 unpaid minutes a day out of an employee: 10* 5 days *52 weeks =2600 / 60 =over 43 hours a year free labor. So basically they got a free weeks out of every person who put up with this. Ugh.
How about the reason being, ”none your damn business.” Seriously, she is taking medicine prescribed by a doctor. Unless there is some drug interaction that the doctor overlooked, just fill the prescription.
He played Droopy Dog in the live-action remake, right?