Sean Clancy

Musk is a good money man and a decent engineer..

to somehow incentivize reporters to write news directly onto Twitter itself.

Honestly, while grindr and other dating apps might contribute, there’s a much more significant factor in why LGBTQIA+ people can struggle with flirting.

Nah, if it was going someplace interesting sure.. but to the moon? Any science it did was not going to be of any wild value (its all valuable, but to degrees). The world is better off with a weaker Russia, and a successful space program is not in the worlds best interest for Russia.  Best to keep them earth bound and

Finally. Just watched it again last week and it’s still amazing. An absolute shame it never got a theatrical release, but I’m thankfully it’s actually getting a physical release, because I would not have bet on it in the current media landscape. 

I did the same. I’ll keep my account for now, and I still access it from the web on occasion, but I hope there’s a significant amount of app removals and a subsequent drop in traffic to really rub Musk’s nose in it.

And padlock the sucker.

Yank the buildings occupancy permit.

Every episode of SNW has had emotional stakes - including the goofy ones. Also, with Kirk and Batel in the trailer, and how often musicals explore romance, I strongly suspect the Kirk/La’an, Chapel/Spock, and Pike/Batel relationships will each reach a crucial turning point. Add to that the whole ‘sing your secrets’

The surest way I know this is all bullshit is that there is absolutely no fucking way in hell that Trump found out there’s aliens and didn’t immediately go tell Newsmax.

Spock’s “It is presumptuous of you to assume you are the only one who uses it” as if that’s an actual response is what got me.

OMG when she says about the floor “I use that all the time”...

One of the best hours of Trek ever - any series, any era.

I really enjoyed the “Everyone talks real low and slow here.” Hoping they crossover the other direction and SNW ends up on LD. Not just that little part at the end.

It really is as good as I was hoping! the weird thing is that online , no one I’ve seen in either the SNW or Lower Decks camps had a bad word to say about it* which is AMAZING , that never happens with trek fans , usually someone will grumble about something.

Love that the NX-01 crew finally got a shout-out. It was always Captain Archer that got name dropped.

Great episode, the moment where Christine realized that her relationship with Spock doesn’t even make it to a historical footnote was genuinely touching. “History needs him to be the exact opposite of what you need him to be in a relationship” is hard to hear.

That Nolan! Very pretentious indeed to not have 15 mintutes of unporposeful, raw fucking in his movie about the development of the atomic bomb.

One of the greatest joys of the last few years of pop culture has been the end result of Nolan moving Oppenheimer to Universal out of spite for Warner brothers, and Warner brothers scheduling Barbie on the same day as Oppenheimer out of spite for Nolan, has resulted in TWO radically different, but exciting movies by

It is NOT operating the same as it always was. Do you know anyone who works at SpaceX? Musk is an attention whore and likes to be the face of the company but the company, behind the scenes, is led by others and up until recently, Musk stayed out of it. He was much more distracted/involved in Tesla — which is how