Sean Clancy

It’s really hard to be a GOP Congressperson these days. On the one hand, you need those shadowy agencies to wield as much power as possible for you to benefit from. On the other hand, you have to support the “GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN WEAPONIZED AGAINST ME!!!” bullshit.  It’s a real pickle.

We should start a Gizmodo pool for how long it takes before Elon shit cans her or she quits after dealing with his special brand of bullshit.. I’ll take the 6 month square for $20

I don’t know why you didn’t make this clear- Zelenskyy is Jewish. What Tucker was doing was using antisemitic tropes- that Jews are ratlike, that Jews persecute Christians, that Jews are in league with bankers to control things.

Everyone uses pronouns.  You used six in your post just now.

surely both Barry Allens can defeat Zod”

I vote it should be “Barrys Allen”.

You’re working too hard to be disappointed in this. 

We’re never going to stop laughing at you.

The title doesn’t say “All Twitter Users (but really only a secret subset of whom I’m going to silently and selectively sample...)

Musk decided to boost all the paid bluechecks to the top of the replies so now a bunch of really dumb insignificant chuds are having their moronic opinions forced onto everyone who makes the mistake of scrolling down.

On this I think they should always post the raw images of a mass shooting, let people see the reality of it. If their face is still intact then blur out the faces. People are too far removed and don’t realize how much damage these weapons do to a human being. They watch youtube videos of a medical dummy getting shot

Yeah, I’ve seen part of the spicediver cut and it looked interesting. It would be interesting to compare it with Lynch’s final shooting script to see how much of it syncs up with the version he had wanted to make.

Now playing

I know he hates the movie, but I’d really love to see his preferred cut (assuming the footage exists).

“And how can this be? For he is the Kwisatz Haderach!

No matter how Lynch cuts it, the Weirding Modules will still make me very, very, very angry.

Bless the rains down in Arrakis!

OMG! Give it up, Musk. Your died decades ago. Let it go and move on. You’re beating a dead horse that decomposed a LONG time ago. What became Paypal thought the name was stupid and the janky code, that you wrote, was so bad they threw the whole thing out and started over.

“And nothing of value was lost.”

Meanwhile, the White House’s official policy is that TikTok should be banned.

“Most of the pharma companies that manufacture the stuff have listed “demand increase for the drug,” as the reason behind its limited availability.”

I loved this episode, honestly! My only disappointment was that we still haven’t learned what’s up with Jack, though Vadic saying Seven would be “particularly” interested in seeing what Jack can do definitely makes me think it’s Borg-related.