Sean Clancy

How will Elon Musk use Starship to colonize Mars?

You definitely have never had to face liquidating all your parents worked for to get them basic care when they are old.


Also shows that she’s so much better off without him.

Klaus Nomi was a German pastry chef with a beautiful countertenor. The makeup and costumes were just window dressing. 

I saw some recent clip of Leah Remini saying [paraphrasing], “People think that Scientology has something over Tom Cruise, that he stays because he’s scared of what they have on him, but he’s in because of the power. Why would he give that up?” She gave an example, like, if Tom Cruise says, “I want a coffee,” it is una

Since articles never seem to point it out, perhaps for fear of being sued: Scientologists literally, literally, LITERALLY believe that spaceships came to earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and that’s the least stupid thing they believe.

Entertainment costs are like the second law of thermodynamics. You may be able to come out ahead in the short term by doing a lot of extra work locally, but they are going to get you eventually no matter what.

Stop trying to make this happen, guys. The moment’s gone, the enthusiasm eroded and it does seem like Paramount understand Trek is best living on TV. Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks are the indicators of where the goodwill lies; few want a return to BroTrek (even if I do have time for Beyond).

But he worked so hard to pull it out of there in the first place.

The US Government probably provides health insurance for more people than any other country in the western world* so they are just doing their job as a health insurance company to hold down costs for their shareholders**.  Not that Fucker Carlson and his ilk will care because it isn’t really about that.

I’ve got 5 meowmeowbeanz

What you don’t realize is that Elon is playing the long game. At 33M a year, he’s currently on track to recoup his entire twitter investment in only 1,333 years.

Saying something is a “good idea” because Facebook has started doing it, is not a very convincing argument...

What are you in the UK where they elected...*checks notes*...Boris Johnson?

For anyone unsure on the matter, there was avigorous international debate” on the subject and it turns out... IT’S ALWAYS OK TO PUNCH NAZIS.

There really isn’t a true alternative. Right now, if you want reach you have to move to an app that has a totally different type of engagement model like Instagram. And as you point out, the ones that use a similar engagement model each have their own issues - Mastodon is (relatively) a pain in the ass in a way that

Huh, who would have guessed there’s not much overlap between the audience for a show like “Westworld” and a show like “My Kid Got Fat From Eating Out of the Trash Can.”

I’m sure a lot of it is just weirdos who fawn over every little thing Musk does.

Why would you pay to get made fun of on Twitter? I block paid checkmarks on sight.